What happens with harfbuzz in Firefox 6, serbian glyphs are gone !!
I install Firefox 6 ( Windows ), after that Serbian glyphs are gone. Link [ http://people.mozilla.org/~jdaggett/webfonts/serbianglyphs.html] work with Firefox 4 and 5, version 6 is "broken". You removed HarfBuzz-ng font rendering or what, bug ?
Alle antwoorden (2)
What is your current setting of the gfx.font_rendering.harfbuzz.scripts pref?
Can you attach a screenshot?
Use a compressed image type like PNG or JPG to save the screenshot and make sure that you do not exceed the maximum file size (1 MB).
For Firefox 5.0.1 have about:config and Firefox 6 have about:config I attach pictures. AS You can see, with version 6, we have more options.
Links http://hacks.mozilla.org/2010/11/firefox-4-font-feature-support/ http://people.mozilla.org/~jdaggett/webfonts/serbianglyphs.html
I understand that above web pages using https://developer.mozilla.org/en/CSS/-moz-font-feature-settings
Firefox drop support for this CSS font features, or changed how font rendering work with Unicode opentype fonts ? TIA. Best Regards.