Mobile Store Support moderation guidelines

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This page includes guidelines for the Mobile Store Support Moderator. Before replying, it’s important to moderate the conversations to make sure that they are categorized appropriately.

Mobile Store Support - Moderation guidelines

What's the role of a Mobile Store Support Moderator?

Mobile Store Support Moderators are consisted of Mozilla Support staff and contributors whose responsibility is to keep the Play Store conversations categorized appropriately in their queues before we reply to them. This work is important to ensure consistent transfer of information along the entire user issue journey.

What a Mobile Store Support Moderator should do?

As a Mobile Store Support moderator, our goal is to remove obstacles for regular contributors so they can focus on the most important thing, which is to provide help for Firefox users on the Android platform. Essentially, here are the job of a moderator:

  • Ensure that a conversation is actionable and resolve anything else that is not actionable.
  • Ensure that each conversation is categorized properly.
  • Move convesations to the appropriate queue once they're categorized.
  • Approve other contributor's answer for quality assurance purpose. Learn more about Mobile Store Support access level here.

Unmoderated and moderated queue

As a moderator, you will be able to see all Google Play Store queues including the unmoderated ones. As a moderator, your job is to moderate the conversations from the unmoderated queues and move them to the moderated queue once they pass the moderation criteria.

In the table below, you will see the breakdown of the unmoderated and moderated queues for each product:

Product Unmoderated queue Moderated queue
Firefox for Android Firefox for Android - All Firefox for Android - Moderated
Firefox Focus Firefox Focus - All Firefox Focus - Moderated
Firefox Klar Firefox Klar - All Firefox Klar - Moderated

Firefox for Android

  • Firefox for Android - All: This is a queue for all unmoderated conversations from Firefox for Android.
  • Firefox for Android - Moderated: This is a queue for all Firefox Focus conversations that have been moderated.

Firefox Focus and Firefox Klar

Firefox Focus and Klar have their own unmoderated queue:

  • Firefox Focus - All: This is a queue for all unmoderated conversations from Firefox Focus for Android.
  • Firefox Klar - All: This is a queue for all unmoderated conversations from Firefox Klar for Android.

Once they passed the moderation, they should be moved to their own priority queue respectively:

  • Firefox Focus - Moderated: This is a queue for all Firefox Focus conversations that have been moderated.
  • Firefox Klar - Moderated: This is a queue for all Firefox Focus conversations that have been moderated.

What to pay attention when moderating

When moderating, these are the things that we need to keep in mind:

  • Is the conversation actionable? If it’s not actionable, close it as “No need to reply”. If the language is not supported, close it as “Language not supported”.
  • Make sure each conversation has the appropriate tags. Please refer to the Tagging section below to learn more about tagging conversations in Conversocial.
  • Once you make sure that the conversation is actionable and has the appropriate tags, don’t forget to move it to the appropriate queue.

How to decide between actionable vs non-actionable?

Here are a few questions to help you when deciding whether or not a conversation is actionable:

  • Does it contain any bug report or an issue?
  • Is it a call for help or they just ranting?
  • Is the message specific enough?
  • Is there anything we can do about the message?
  • Does it contain specific feedback or just a general comment?
  • Do they contain offensive, profanity, or abusive language? No need to reply if they do.


Please see Mobile Support tagging guidelines to learn more about tagging for Mobile Support.

Complete Mobile Support guidelines

Go back to the Mobile Support guidelines to continue learn about mobile support contribution.

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