Functions and features are diffrent of same version not working properly fine.
Hello, I have a problem with my firefox file, when i am exectuing firefox by selenium automation tools, then the working and funcanility of the Firefoe is totally changed. its not working properly like ,when i am opening general firefox verson.(21.0). When i given anylink by the help of selenium firefox execution the firefox stops working.i am doing selenium with the help of java ecilips. i am using this code for executing firefox:
package commonUtilLib;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;
public class Driver { public static WebDriver driver=new FirefoxDriver(); Driver.driver.get("http://google.com"); }
please tell me which .exe file is executing by selenium, and why this problem occurs. Thanks Thanks.
Wszystkie odpowiedzi (2)
Hi subhamkr, This may be beyond the scope of this forum, however I would also recommend posting your question to stackoverflow.com or selenium firefox's support.
I have written some browser automation tests using selenium and the java binding (using eclipse).
after save the data successfully, one popup window is coming with customer id, and wants to capture that id from that popup box, but the data is not saving , and no any popup message box is coming.
Can this be achieved somehow?
I have still not found a good reference to selenium (google code is quite good, but it seems to miss some parts).