My Brighthouse Server won't accept my Thunderbird password, so it will frequently not download incoming e-mails to me. I can still get them on Webmail.
When prompting Thunderbird for new e-mails, I get the message "Sending of password for user hasty@cfl.rr.com did not succeed. Mail server pop-server.cfl.rr.com responded: [IN-USE] account is locked by another session or for maintenance. Try again."
I have talked with Brighhouse, and my mail is getting through to my Webmail account, so they think that it is your problem. What should I do?
Wszystkie odpowiedzi (1)
Is this a POP account? The way a POP mail server works, when a client application (e.g. Thunderbird) connects, it 'locks' the server so that another client can't download mails at the same time. The lock often lasts for a period of time (I think the default used to be 10 minutes) before another connection can be made. How frequently is your Thunderbird checking for mail on the account? Do you have another device (e.g. a tablet or phone) that is also trying to connect at regular intervals?