IwasintheprocessofsortingoutsearchenginesandfoundthatIcouldnotloadDuckduckgo(https/ssl)because 'aprogramwithasimilarnamewasalreadyloaded'eventho'Ihaddeletedall.
I selected Duckduckgo(https/ssl) search engine and tried to add it to Firefox but got a pop-up message saying that 'a program with a similar name was already loaded even though I had deleted all the search engines from the original list. Not the first time this has happened and reported but no reply received.
Wszystkie odpowiedzi (3)
Who did you report this to? Do you still have a problem?
To reset the search engines, remove these files in the Firefox profile folder; search.json + search-metadata.json + search.sqlite + search.json.mozlz4
search.json.mozlz4 ==only== (v45+)
New files are created when needed.
Hello carsone725,
Stab in the dark, but in Options => Search => under "One-Click Search Engines" - what happens when you click on "Restore Default Search Engines"?
You can't add a search engine with the same name as one of the builtin default search engines even if you disable this search engine.
What is wrong with the builtin DDG search extension that you want to install a second DDG search engine?