Font size in reply email shrinks
I have my font size for HTML set to Calibri Medium but whenever I start typing in a new email or a reply, the font is too small. Changing the size to large and even larger doesn't seem to help, it stays small. I just upgraded to the latest version of TB but that hasn't fixed the problems. Is there a setting somewhere I'm missing? Attached image shows what I mean when in a reply, but the same problem exists in new emails, the font starts off too small. I'm tired of manually adjusting it all the time so would be grateful for any suggestions!
Wszystkie odpowiedzi (3)
So you set this to 11 pixels, all the font sizes in Thunderbird preferences are in pixels not points and will display generally about 30% smaller that the same font number in points. Perhaps try something larger like about 30% larger. Or simply stop trying to specify size beyond "Normal" and let the recipients mail program work out what resolution is correct for them. I doubt 11 pixels will be suitable for anyone really. The scaling of fonts to be readable and not microscopic or clownishly large is very different for a 4 inch phone to a 27 inch desktop and trying to enforce font sizes only frustrates recipients.
My point is actually the font is too small for ME to read when emailing or replying. I need it to be bigger and changing the settings doesn't seem to work.
You should leave the composition fonts at their defaults, but to set the fonts that are displayed on your system alone, open Options or Preferences, General, Language & Appearance, Advanced, set the fonts and sizes with Fonts for: Latin and repeat with Fonts for: Other Writing Systems. Uncheck 'Allow messages to use other fonts'.