Updated version keeps telling me to download latest update 91 10 0
I have windows 10. Was getting a message that Thunderbird could not automatically update and that I would have to download the latest version and install it. I did. I am now on Version 91.10.0 64 bit.
Now every day I get that same message. Thinking its a new download I start to download it only to find its the same EXE file I downloaded last time.
After running the new install, it leaves 2 short cuts on my desktop. BOTH point to the same program name and location.
Is there something wrong with that update? Thanks.
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Hello there we have read your message. We try to help you.
Oké your thunderbird software telling you to update? Is your computer having the current update and running the latest version without having problem?
Greetings Firefox volunteer
Zmodyfikowany przez Googlethunderbird w dniu
Hello there again .
Try to erase both installations. Clean your pc and reinstall a new full version of the Thunderbird Software. With a restart.
Like ccleaner. https://www.thunderbird.net/en-US/thunderbird/all/
Greetings Firefox volunteer.
Zmodyfikowany przez Googlethunderbird w dniu
Well, I went to the C:\programfiles (x86)\ modzilla thunderbird. I see only one thunderbird exe file. It says version There appears to be no other version installed at this time.
Puzzling. Please look at c:\program files\mozilla to see if there is one there too? The version you're referencing is at program files (x86) which is usually for 32-bit applications.
No, there is no C:\program files \modzilla folder in that area..
Well, if not a major problem for you, I suggest a complete uninstall. Ver 64-bit normally installs in c:\program files, not c:\programfiles(x86) .
ok, so how do I back up all my mail folders? I am using several email addresses with thunderbird due to working with local public service organizations.
I don't want to lose all that stuff that I have saved in the folders. Also, will I end up having to reinstall every email address? I.E. set up the Imap info?
It can be simple: - copy the folder at c:\users\yourID\appdata\roaming\thunderbird to anywhere else (that folder includes the profiles.ini file, and one or more folders) - uninstall TB completely. - reinstall TB, but do not open - copy the folder you copied above back to the same place. - start TB and you should be back where you want to be.
NUTS! I did exactly that. I copied over that folder to a flash drive.. I powered down the computer. I uninstalled thunderbird. I powered down the computer. I re-installed thunderbird. I did NOT run it at the end of the install. I powered down the computer I re started the computer and copied over the folder from the flash drive. All my email stuff was there.
I just used thunderbird and I got the error again.. telling me it cannot update and to download the latest version.
Okay, I'm at a loss. I believe there must be something else there that only a full scan of disc for thunderbird elements and a search of registry may uncover.
well, I guess that means I will just have to manually install every update.. mm let me check something.
in my c:\programfiles (x86) there is still a modzilla maintainance service folder.. Shouldn't that have been wiped out when I uninstalled thunderbird? Or do I need to uninstall that too along with thunderbird?
Is my understanding correct that there should be NO modzillia folders the the (x86) folder at all?
If there is an entry in c:\program files, then there should not be anything in c:\program files (x86)
Should I delete or uninstall the Modzilla maintaance folder/program? Checking.. yes there is an App there that I can uninstall..
There is nothing wrong with the program that is installed and it is using the most up to date version.
However, it is entirely possible you do not have the correct update info in the history and that is triggering the pop up.
It is likely your Anti-Virus has blocked a necessary link.
It basically means you did get updated and you are running correct version, so do not bother reinstalling etc. However, it is likely the AV blocked the access required to make sure all the update history files were completed.
In Thunderbird what does it say in this location:
- Menu app icon > Preferences > General
- Scroll to 'Updates' section
- Click on 'Show Update History'
It is possible the last update is not listed.
I do know what Anti-Virus you are using but you need to make an exception.
For example if you Avast: Add an exception Setting a global exception will exclude individual files, folders, or websites from all scans and shields.
- Add both these as exception: 'aus.thunderbird.net' and also 'www.thunderbird.net'
use info at link:
Then restart Thunderbird.
You may need to wait until next update occurs and then check to see if it has been logged in the update history.
ok it shows in the history file, 91.10.0 as latest version.. and no updates in the history file..
Ok, going to look into the avast thing, as that is what I am running..
Question. Should "use background service" for updating, be checked? it is NOT checked here.
This Article describes what is meant by 'use background service' and if selected - what occurs: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/what-mozilla-maintenance-service