scam emails that claim they are from geeksquad
I keep getting scam emails that show from geeksquad and have mark them as junk and tried using the filter to just delete them but they keep coming. I don't know if what they show as "from" is different from where the are actually sent or what and was wondering if there is a fix or something to just delete this automatically. I tried the unsubscribe link in the emails and that just makes it worse and I also have been using the adaptive junk controls.
Wszystkie odpowiedzi (1)
re : I tried the unsubscribe link in the emails and that just makes it worse
If those were scam emails then you successfully confirmed to the scammer that your email address is legit and live and kicking, so they can repeatedly pester you. Do not click on anything unless you really know what you are clicking on.
re : I don't know if what they show as "from" is different from where the are actually sent or what
You would find that info in the source. Select the email. Then click on 'More' and select 'View Source. OR select email in list then 'View' > 'Message source' OR use 'Ctrl+U' keys on keyboard
Make window large enough to display all info and then post an image of it, so we can check the headers.
re :have mark them as junk and tried using the filter to just delete them but they keep coming.
Marking something as junk does not stop junk emails being downloaded, but if you have set up the Junk Settings then they should be being put into the Junk folder if POP or into the server imap 'Spam' folder if IMAP. Are your 'Junk Settings' set up correctly ? Access the Account Settings, Select 'Junk Settings' for the account and then post an image. then we can check if they are ok. Also tell us if the account is a POP or IMAP account.
re : tried using the filter to just delete them Are you saying you have a filter trying to delete these emails, because in some cases (depends upon server) if you are not deleting and putting them in the correct folder, they can still reside on server. But it sounds like that filter is failing - so perhaps it would be a good idea to post an image showing that filter.
You say 'they keep coming' but I'm not sure where they are appearing eg: Inbox, Junk, Spam etc ? If they are already going to the correct junk/Spam folder then you can auto empty that folder.