Firefox for android won't open links in app even though option is enabled
I have started using Firefox on android recently instead of Samsung browser.
But the app open really irks me. As of now, no links from Spotify, YouTube or Reddit, open to the app when tapping it though the browser on day, Google. The option is enabled unde advanced option to always open to app
At least on Samsung browser you got a button to force the app opening but on Firefox it just doesn't appear, it's not there.
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Forgot to add that the option to open in app in the the dots (...) does NOT appear either
Hola, Puedes escribir en español ya que al ser el lenguaje instalado en el Firefox español la consulta se redirige al foro en español. Tiene habilitado la opción de "Abrir enlace en Aplicaciones" en el Firefox? Saludos