will not let me view eBay item descriptions
My god what have you done!! I can not view any item descriptions for any eBay auction page. Notice reads REPORTED WEB FORGERY! The web page at vi.ebaydesc.com has been reported as a web forgery and has been blocked based on your security preferences. It worked fine just 1 hour ago. (10:30pm. 02/20/11) Now I can not do anything. I am not very good with computers and Firefox is my ONLY browser. PLEASE HELP!! Thank you
Wszystkie odpowiedzi (3)
Until Mozilla straightens this out, you can go to:
Tools > Options > Security > Unclick "Block reported web forgeries"
That should give you relief
Thank you very much estherde!! You are great. Shows me I need to take some type of computer classes. Again thank you.
It's fixed - crisis over - eBay works again with Firefox. Restore that altered setting and surf on!