How to become a Mozilla Firefox Support Forum Moderator.
I am very sorry to ask this here. I asked this here because I don't know where to ask. I am a Contributor in the Mozilla Support forum Top Contributors list. Many of the Top contributors are Moderators. I would like to be a Moderator too. However I don't know what to do to become a Moderator.
Wszystkie odpowiedzi (3)
Try asking in the contributors forum, but I don't know if they are looking for additional moderators at this time - https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/forums/contributors
Even if the need is there, you might need more total support postings before being asked. I was coming here to contribute for over a year and a half (the first year was very infrequent, like once a week for a few hours), and had more than 1000 support postings before I was asked. The "counter" was reset with the forum software upgrade back in July 2010, so a lot of us have far more postings than shown now. My total was a shade over 30,000 before, and IIRC, co-rel had in excess of 100,000 at the end of July. Other contributors counts I don't recall.
You mean I must solve atleast 1000+ issues to become a Moderator. And I am again sorry to ask this here.