I can’t comment on Fox news, disqus is not respounding.
I can’t comment on Fox news, disqus is not responding. I have an account with Fox News and can login without trouble. When I try to comment or reply to articles a window will open and three dots will appear. At this point I should be able to type in a comment. The status line shows a number of servers at work but never completing a connection.
Wszystkie odpowiedzi (18)
I can't post a comment either! Has anyone figured out what the problem is yet?
I have the same problem. I downloaded Disqus and tried commenting through their site/program. It worked for a while but the moderation was so tough, I could never say exactly what I wanted without spacing out words. On a message board one day a fellow stated that you can post with less scrutiny if you post through Fox News and not Disqus. So I deleted Disqus and can post a little better but only as a reply most of the time and not in the box at the bottom. Disqus still moderates the replies, so I do not know what difference it makes either way, it is still messed up or I am missing something important. There is no help on the Fox New site. Also does anyone know how to block someone from making a reply to you, it seems this is happening to me by certain trolls, how does this happen?
I can log in...but then there is no "comment box" and no "reply" button only the "like" and "flag" buttons.
The problem is Firefox Version 6. Disqus at sites other than Fox works just fine with Firefox version 6. I suspect that this is an attack on Fox News by Mozilla. I have had not responses to a number of e-mails sent to Mozilla.
To correct the situation you can download version 5.1 (Firefox) uninstall version 6 and install 5.1 or, use another web browser. I am currently using Firefox 5.1 but will switch to another browser if I don't hear about a correction from mozilla soon. I really don't like programs telling me where I can post comments pro or con.
At last count there are over 100 people having this problem,. Where is Firefox with an explanation.
Zmodyfikowany przez Pathfinder306 w dniu
I had this problem too, and found out the issue was the Ghostery Add-on. Go into the Ghostery options and uncheck Disqus from the blocked web bugs. It should work fine after that.
Unfortunately I don't use that add-on.
foxnews.com OpenID login workaround
Problem: no access to disqus login option box on foxnews.com
Not long ago I was no longer able to post comments with a foxnews account ( I hope it wasn't something I wrote ). I've been trying an OpenID account lately but the disqus login options box is not always enabled. The workaround below has been working for me. This is not directly related to the original post but I'm wondering if these problems are related???
I have not tried this for a foxnews account login, just an OpenID account login
This worked in FireFox 4.0. I have later versions of FF installed without add-ons installed on another computer I use for development, but have not tried this workaround on those versions.
The workaround:
go to another site where you can login to your OpenID account
enable that site and disqus.com in NoScript ( FF should automatically refresh with the change to NoScript )
login to OpenID ( I checked the stay signed in box )
Note: to log out, go back to the above site. foxnews page doesn't show a button to log out
open foxnews site
enable foxnews.com and disqus.com in NoScript ( FF should automatically refresh with the change to NoScript )
with foxnews.com and disqus.com enabled in NoScript
refresh foxnews site
post comments
Things I have found that have affected various site logins:
enable third party cookies related to the login
enable third party sites related to the login in NoScript
disable Adblock Plus
I would be interested to know if this workaround works for other versions of FF
Zmodyfikowany przez mrfunn w dniu
I have the same problem, but I think I understand the problem: I use both Mozilla and Safari, and sometimes neither one of them make any difference whatsoever regarding comment boxes on the Fox News website. What I have noticed is that you are able to respond to new articles, but after they've been up a while they seem to close them to comments. This morning I was able to comment on a story that just appeared. My two cents.
GOOD NEWS! I just logged out and then logged back in and whalah! the comments box reappeared!
I've gone back to version 5.01 and am having no difficulties posting comments. Some articles do not seem to be open for comments, though most are.
Un-checking the Disqus option in Ghostery worked for me.
Zmodyfikowany przez evilfantasy w dniu
I can't even get that far...there is no comment button on any of the articles...just print, share, tweet etc.
I've been having this problem for 3 days now. I have used Firefox, IE and Safari to attempt to comment on FoxNews. I am logged into the FoxNews site however the "comment" button never loads. I don't use Ghostery so that is not the fix for my situation. I am up to date using Firefox 12.0. My updates are automatic so it appears this weeks update did the dirty deed concerning Disqus. Now how to fix that.
Zmodyfikowany przez Retread w dniu
I am having the same problem; however, I just went to Fox News and was able to get a comment box on the Sports News section. No other sections I tried had a comment section. So there is definitely something going on and I don't think it is related to a Firefox or Disqus problem.
Fox has shut comments down is it politics ???
Thanks Thirdbase...I too was able to comment on the Sports section...I will slug on in my pursuit to identify the problem.
I log on using Google Chrome, IE and once with Firefox. All have the same result....no comment section. Something else is going on.
I sent FoxNews an email stating the problem many are having with not being able to comment. I asked for a response but none came. Apparently it's not a big enough problem for them to address. Oh well, there are other fish in that sea.