I want the Bookmarks Toolbar without the Bookmarks button at the far right. However, when I remove that all my bookmark buttons disappear. That Bookmarks button takes up a lot of space and I want it gone.
On the far right, under the search bar, "Bookmarks" is displayed on my Bookmarks Toolbar. Like any of my bookmarks that display as buttons to the left, I want to be able to right click on this button and delete it, but I cannot. When I go to "Customize" and remove this button, my Bookmarks Toolbar clears and I cannot add any buttons to it anymore. Is there some way to get rid of this one button but still keep my bookmarks on the Bookmarks Toolbar? This was not a problem in the previous version of Firefox.
Wszystkie odpowiedzi (1)
You can remove the Bookmarks Menu button on the Bookmarks Toolbar with code in userChrome.css
Add code to userChrome.css below the @namespace line.
You can use the ChromEdit Plus extension to have easier access to the customization files.
- ChromEdit Plus: http://webdesigns.ms11.net/chromeditp.html
@namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"); /* only needed once */ #personal-bookmarks #bookmarks-menu-button { display:none !important; }