Delicious Rss Not Loading on Firefox 6 - How 2 Fix?
The RSS feature in *delicious* addon is one of my dominant tool For Evry Hour\Day. (i save the RSS feed on delisious and when i place my cursor over it, a small windows with all the new entries is poping-up and i can see whats new) NOTE: This is happening right inside the TAB-SHELL and not on a new window or full page. Since iv updated to FireFox 6, all the Feeds Are EMPTY! only the Delicious Bookmarks Are Preset, But The Dynamic Updating RSS Are EMPTY. I Ask Anyone who knows whats up with that to Please help me, Ill Be G.R.E.A.T.F.U.L.L._-_D.E.A.D. To you - Images: EMPTY RSS TAG FEEDS http://oi53.tinypic.com/flc114.jpg http://oi55.tinypic.com/jb1zya.jpg or Image 1 (click Me) Image 2 (Click Me)
Zmodyfikowany przez oded1st w dniu
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Zmodyfikowany przez oded1st w dniu
GUYS, - Move To "COMETMARKS" (it like delicious) (it also got an Excatly Twin Browser of Firefox With this Firefox addons) ITS CALLED COMETBIRD - (move there if this delicious is actualy dead) This Is for The New People Bought Delicious: "why (4 D ♥ of god) you think we are using delicious for?" Do you AVOS people think we are this cheep & got no class? Do you think "WE CARE 4 THAT MUSIC THING?" DiD you Think Delicious IS Like FaceBook (be4 you bought it?) - Just So U KNow.... WE ARE "LinK" & "TaG" People!!! We dont care if we got music or not (we got othertools for that) we dont care about that ..... "STAC" (u called it)? - (that wht we ae using TAGS) We NEED To See Our Own Links!!!! - You Guys Are The Worst Update Of any site Ever!! (at least from what i exp') GIVE US OUR OLD PROFESSIONAL DELICIOUS BACK!!!