Что такое ускорители скачивания и как их отключить?
в файлообменнике Turbobit.net не смогла скачать файл бесплатно. В подсказках предлагают попробовать отключить ускорители скачивания
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What is a download accelerator, and how to disable them?
in filehosting Turbobit.net could not download for free. In offering tips to try to disable accelerators
Is download accelerator a plugin that you have installed as additional software.
Download acceleration is either done by an extension or by an external program that you use to open extra (parallel) connections to the server to download several sections of the same file at the same time.
A FTP server can only support a limited amount of connections, so by using more than one connection you exclude others from accessing the server.
So websites can ask you to disable such a program if it detects multiple connections or just ask that by default, even if you do not use such a feature.
In the case of the latter you can ignore that request.