I am using Firefox 64bit Nightly. I wanted to submit feedback on website functions that do not work
I joined the Nightly Testing group and got a reply welcoming, and inviting me to join in the weekly ( Friday) Mibbit testday chat.
Is that the only way to give back user experience for the development of Nightly ??
There are several problems in Nightly, e.g. it will not handle the login function for LinkedIn, nor will it handle the function in the nVidea website for checking which software version I have. Both these work on other browsers.
Rgds Jonathan
Wybrane rozwiązanie
Ok, basically a testday is when the QA team gathers members of the community together to work through a section of Firefox bugs, new features, etc. basically to try firefox out for themselves to see if it is broken or not. You can participate in the testday, and give feedback related to that. But, for two specific issues that you are having, if a Firefox reset doesn't fix them, then you should just go and report a bug in Bugzilla. (you can still do the testday, it isn't related ;)
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For the Nvidia driver auto-detect, make sure you have Java installed and up to date. You can try uninstalling all versions of Java from your computer, and then downloading the newest version from www.java.com.
As for Linkedin, I don't have an account (cancelled it a few days ago) but when I did log in to cancel my account it worked just fine.
I'd suggest you try this:
Reset Nightly first. Refresh Firefox - reset add-ons and settings. If that corrects your problems, there was something interfering with Nighly's normal operation in your old profile.
If that still doesn't work, you can try to file a bug at https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/. It is the database that developers use to track bug reports. Please be as clear and concise as possible, state the exact version of Nightly you are running, when the problem appeared, what the problem is, screenshots, that you tried in a new profile, etc.
please also note that you will have to install the 64bit version of java in order for it to work in a 64bit browser version... http://java.com/en/download/manual.jsp
Thanks MadPerson, I resolved Java issues when you answered my query on that last month.
I was invited to join the development of Nightly and I opted to give feedback on what things do not work on various websites which work fine on other browsers. It seemed to be suggested that if I use Nightly, I should be contributing to its development which I am happy to do.
My question was if the Mibbit testday chat on Fridays was the only way to do that, or if there was a way to give feedback as and when I come across them - I gave the two issues as examples.
Re LinkedIn, entering username and pswd in Nightly simply returns blank fields to enter again. All other browsers I tried produce a successful login.
Thanks also Tylerdowner, I reload Nightly at least twice a day as its updates are notified to me. Is Bugzilla Mozilla the same as this development inviatation / request which came from contribute-form@mozilla.org with the testday link being http://chat.mibbit.com/?server=irc.mozilla.org&channel=#testday.
I am a bit confused about this now. Rgds Jonathan
Rgds Jonathan
p.s. I have resolved the issue with the nVidea auto-check, they have changed the way it displays after starting the autocheck. It is now a blank area until the results come up, it used to display information there while checking.
Apologies for thinking it was a Nightly issue. Rgds Jonathan
Basically Bugzilla is for if you find a bug in Firefox (whether a crash, not showing a website properly, etc) you can report directly to the developers. They will try to diagnose the issue, find out if it is the website not working right with Firefox, or if Firefox is the culprit, then fix it. If you want a place to give direct feedback to devs, this is the place.
If you want to give general Firefox feedback, use http://input.mozilla.org/en-US/. Also, if you are going to participate on a testday, ask in IRC what you should do. The people helping with the test day may be able to give you more help with your specific issue as you test.
I'm assuming you are meaning https://quality.mozilla.org/2012/06/unconfirmed-bugs-triage-testday-june-15th/ when you say testday. I'd suggest reading https://etherpad.mozilla.org/fx16-unconfirmed-bugs-testday before proceding with the testday.
Thanks Tylerdowner, to clarify, below is the email I was sent. While I was using Nightly that day, I was asked if I would contribute to development, and seemed to be inferred that if I took the daily updates for Nightly, I should be contributing. I am happy to help, so, from the options given to me on the webpage, I select giving user feedback.
Later that day I got the email below which is about participating in testdays rather than feedback. Maybe I should ignore that and just use Bugzilla. Rgds Jonathan
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Thanks for your interest in helping with testing.
To get started, download a development build of Firefox and then join us for the next Test Day.
You can download development builds at
We hold Test Days every Friday online from 9am to 5pm PDT. You can join by clicking on this link.
We look forward to talking with you more soon.
Juan Becerra Mozilla QA http://quality.mozilla.org/
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Wybrane rozwiązanie
Ok, basically a testday is when the QA team gathers members of the community together to work through a section of Firefox bugs, new features, etc. basically to try firefox out for themselves to see if it is broken or not. You can participate in the testday, and give feedback related to that. But, for two specific issues that you are having, if a Firefox reset doesn't fix them, then you should just go and report a bug in Bugzilla. (you can still do the testday, it isn't related ;)
Thanks, all understood now. Rgds Jonathan
Another place you can go to follow along how each new build everyday (sometimes a respin) is doing and what bugs are fixed or regression. The threads have helped in limiting duplicate bugs and verifying bugs.
Pay attention to the "The Official ... builds are not yet out" (for Windows, Mac and Linux) threads each day in Firefox Builds section of mozillaZine.
Thanks James, I will look at that. Rgds Jonathan