Cannot select Us Europe Asia options on yahoo finance home page
The web page is finance.yahoo.com Cannot select the US Europe Asia options on this page. The cursor should show a hand with pointing finger when hovering over these areas but does not change from normal cursor shape. This problem first showed up today March 8th. Works OK with microsoft explorer.
Wszystkie odpowiedzi (4)
This looks like a coding problem on that web page that uses position relative to place the container that keep the items at the right at the same position as the four button at the left.
If I right click that area and open the build-in inspector and make the style panel visible then removing the checkmark before position: relative; makes the links clickable.
.yui3-tab-panel-selected { display: block; position: relative; }
I found the right check box and removed the check. The tabs work for the the financial stock markets as long as I stay on the page. As soon as I leave the financial page and return later, the tabs don't work and the check mark is in the box. How do I make the change permanent? Any ideas? Bob
This style rule in userContent.css or Stylish should do it.
I don't know if there is a better way to fix it in this case as I'm not a expert in this matter.
Add code to the userContent.css file.
The customization files userChrome.css (interface) and userContent.css (websites) are located in the chrome folder in the user profile folder.
@-moz-document domain(finance.yahoo.com){ .yui3-tab-panel-selected { position: static !important; } }
I've no idea what these contributors are talking about. I am a user of this facility. I am not a programer or systems analyst. I am just reporting a problem that up to 2 days ago has worked perfectly 10 years.