Add trusted sites to your allow list on Firefox Klar

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Tracking Protection in Firefox Klar protects you from trackers but may break some websites. Starting with version 8, you can keep Tracking Protection off for your trusted websites.

Add websites to your Allow list

  1. Go to the site you want to add to your Allow list.
  2. Tap the shield icon next to the address bar.
  3. Tap the switch next to Enhanced Tracking Protection to turn off protection for that site.

That website will be added to your Allow list and Tracking Protection will turn off when you visit that site.

Tracking Protection will remain off only while you're on a trusted site. It will turn on again when you visit a site with known trackers unless you add it to your Allow list.

Manage trusted websites

To see and manage your allowed websites:

  1. Tap Settings.
  2. Tap Privacy & Security.
  3. Tap Exceptions. (Exceptions will be greyed out if you haven't added any allowed sites.)

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