AMO ( - Managing account data

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Add-ons let millions of Firefox users enhance their browsing experience and allow developers to extend and modify the functionality of Firefox. Add-ons are available from the website. Its Privacy Notice is here.

What data do you receive from my account?

AMO requires users to have a Mozilla account in order to sign in and use the service. Your Mozilla account will be associated with your AMO account.

Required Account Data

  • Username (chosen by you)
    • Using a Mozilla randomly assigned username is an option. If you choose this option, your username will be “Anonymous User + a random 6-character string.

Optional Account Data

  • Display Name
  • Occupation
  • Location
  • Homepage
  • Profile photo
  • Biography (a blank text box)


If you post an add-on review or rating, the review is associated with your username. This will either be the default username we assign or the user name you picked for yourself.

How do I access my account data?

You can access your AMO account at

How do I update my account data?

You can update your AMO account information (including changing the username and other optional information) at You can change your username and other optional information here.

You can’t directly change your password or email in AMO because these are Mozilla account credentials. If you want to update the email or password used with your Mozilla account, see Change the primary email address on your Mozilla account or Change your Mozilla account password.

How do I delete my account data?

You can delete your AMO account at This will remove all information associated with your account.

Note: Deleting your AMO account will not delete your Mozilla account.

If you have uploaded an add-on, you will need to delete it or transfer it to a different owner before you can delete your AMO account. This prevents accidental deletion of add-ons that you might not have expected.

How long do you keep my account data?

We keep it for as long as your account is open, unless you choose to delete it.

We keep a permanent record of all add-ons uploaded to AMO. If you remove an add-on, all files and versions are deleted, but we keep metadata including an add-on identifier number and name. The metadata does not include any personal data if you delete your AMO account.

We also keep any reviews and ratings you’ve posted. When your account is deleted, the review is no longer associated with your user name - either be the default username we assigned or the user name you picked for yourself. We will change it to “Anonymous User + a random 6-character string. This is not the same random 6-character string that Mozilla provided if you chose to use a default username.

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