Find words on a page in Firefox Klar for Android

Firefox Klar Firefox Klar Última atualização: 100% de usuários consideraram isto útil
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Use the Find in Page feature to search for specific words on a web page with a few taps.

  1. Open the page want to search.
  2. Tap the menu button next to the address bar:

  3. Tap Find in Page in the menu that pops up.
  4. Enter the word or phrase that you want to find in the text field at the bottom of the screen.
  5. Firefox Klar will highlight the word or phrase that you're searching for. The number next to the search field will also show you how many times that word appears on the page.
  6. Use the up or down arrows to see each instance of that word or phrase on the page.
  7. Tap the X to return to regular view.

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