How can I tell if Mozilla VPN is connected?

Mozilla VPN Mozilla VPN Última atualização: 65% de usuários consideraram isto útil
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Mozilla VPN displays visual indicators of its current status both in the toolbar and the application's home screen, making it easy to know whether your online activity is protected or not. These status indicators allow you to confirm when your navigation is private and secure.

VPN is on: secure and private

This status indicates that your VPN is up and running, and your online activity is protected.

  • Tray/Toolbar icon:
    VPN status icon is on
    Note:Tray/Toolbar status indication icons are only available on desktop.
  • Application:
    VPN is on

To perform an additional test and confirm that your IP and location are masked, with the VPN on, access

VPN is on: no signal – check connection

This status indicates that even though your VPN is turned on, there is currently no connection between your device and our servers. The Mozilla VPN kill switch won't allow unprotected traffic to leave your device while in this state. To troubleshoot connection issues, check this article.

  • Tray/Toolbar icon:
    VPN is on - check connection
    Note: Tray/Toolbar status indication icons are only available on desktop.
  • Application:
    VPN is on - check

VPN is on: unstable – check connection

This status indicates the connection between your device and the VPN is unstable. The Mozilla VPN kill switch won't allow unprotected traffic to leave your device while in this state. To troubleshoot connection issues, check this article.

  • Tray/Toolbar icon:
    VPN application is on - unstable
    Note: Tray/Toolbar status indication icons are only available on desktop.
  • Application:
    VPN is on_unstable

VPN is off

This status indicates your VPN is disabled and your online activity is not protected.

  • Tray/Toolbar icon:
    VPN is off
    Note: Tray/Toolbar status indication icons are only available on desktop.
  • Application:
    VPN is disabled

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