How to contribute to Mobile Support - Start here!

Contributors Contributors Última atualização: 01/15/2024 70% de usuários consideraram isto útil
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Thanks for taking interest in helping Firefox users on the mobile platform. Google Play Store is a channel most commonly used by Firefox users on Android platform to leave reviews about our apps and look for help. To create a better experience for Firefox for Android users, we want to provide support for them by replying to their reviews.

Read along this guideline to learn more about how you can take part in making a better experience for Firefox users on the mobile platform.

Get to know Mozilla

Get familiar with mobile products

Get to know our support channels for mobile

Play Store Support overview

Learn about the moderation process for the moderator team

Learn more about replying to Play Store users

Understand our support process for AppStore

  • How to support users on iOS (Staff only): At the moment, the AppStore contribution is not open for the community due to platform limitation. However, it's something that we're interested to pursue in the future.

Understand the escalation process

Understand the escalation process

Learn how to file bugs

File a bug report or feature request for Mozilla products

Participate on foxfooding

Participate in early testing (foxfooding)

Learn more about contributing to Mozilla Support

See the contributor's homepage to learn more about various contribution opportunities in Mozilla Support.

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