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Safe browsing in Firefox Focus

Edição 171024:

Edição 171024 de michro em

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Edição 292316 de jonalmeida em


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Learn about Safe Browsing and why it doesn't work in Firefox Focus version 7.
Learn about Safe Browsing in Firefox Focus for Android.


Safe browsing is a feature that warns you when you are about to visit a dangerous site known for malware, phishing and downloading unwanted software on your device. =How does safe browsing work?= Firefox Focus has been using the Google safe browsing API for Safe browsing. When you tap a link, we check the link against lists of reported phishing, unwanted software, and malware sites. If the site is identified as an attack site, Firefox Focus (versions 6 and older) will warn you against visiting it.
Safe browsing is a feature that warns you when you are about to visit a dangerous site known for malware, phishing and downloading unwanted software on your device. =How does safe browsing work?= Firefox Focus has been using the Google safe browsing API for Safe browsing. When you tap a link, we check the link against lists of reported phishing, unwanted software, and malware sites. If the site is identified as an attack site, Firefox Focus (versions 8 and newer) will warn you against visiting it.

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