Why do I see a white screen after updating Mozilla VPN to version 2.8.3?

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Some Windows users who have upgraded to Mozilla VPN version 2.8.3 are running into a white screen and are unable to access most of the features when launching the VPN. Installing the application on older hardware can cause this issue.


To be able to use Mozilla VPN on your device, you’ll need to uninstall version 2.8.3 and install a newer version of Mozilla VPN. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Uninstall Mozilla VPN 2.8.3 from your device.
  2. Once uninstalled, download Mozilla VPN 2.8.4 or above from https://vpn.mozilla.org/.

Newer versions contain fixes for the issue and will work without problems.

If you need more help, please contact support.

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