пропали все логины и пароли из моей учетной записи, как можно их восстановить?
пропали все логины и пароли из моей учетной записи, как можно их восстановить?
[Personal information removed by moderator. Please read Mozilla Support rules and guidelines, thanks.]
Modificado por Chris Ilias a
Todas as respostas (3)
lost all logins and passwords from my account, how can I recover them?
gm-md said
lost all logins and passwords from my account, how can I recover them? account : xxxxxxxxxx
Please post on EN on a EN forum for help.
Modificado por WestEnd a
Посмотри на свой рабочий стол. Вы видите папку называется; 'Старый Firefox?' Заглянуть внутрь. Ищите папку с последней датой создания.
Look on your desktop. Do you see a folder called; Old Firefox? Look inside. Look for the folder with the latest creation date.
Separate Security Issue: Update your Flash Player or remove it using these links; http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/uninstall-flash-player-windows.html Uninstall Flash Player | Windows http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/uninstall-flash-player-mac-os.html Uninstall Flash Player | Mac
Note: Windows users should download the ActiveX for Internet Explorer. and the plugin for Plugin-based browsers (like Firefox).
Note: Windows 8 and Windows 10 have built-in flash players and Adobe will cause a conflict. Install the plugin only. Not the ActiveX.
Flash Player Version: Version
https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ Direct link scans current system and browser Note: Other software is offered in the download. <Windows Only>
https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/otherversions/ Step 1: Select Operating System Step 2: Select A Version (Firefox, Win IE . . . .) Note: Other software is offered in the download. <Windows Only> +++++++++++++++++++ See if there are updates for your graphics drivers https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/upgrade-graphics-drivers-use-hardware-acceleration