How to disable warnings about self signed certificates?
I've open too many sites with self signed certificates per day. This is annoying every time to add exception for every of it (no, this is not the same certificate for each. Each have it's own self-signed). How to tell Firefox ALWAYS trust any self-signed certificate?
Modificado por sHAsHiLx a
Todas as respostas (2)
Problem is firefox has no control how they do their certificates and if must match registered one online if not they must redo their certificates. Also on the privacy settings if you look there - there is a option to auto select as well. So did you do that yet?
Don't matter for me how they do it. Even don't matter for me if its valid or not. Just want open these pages quickly and not garbage my browser with these exception. May be there exist some root certificate that I can import and all of these self signed (fake, not valid, etc.) not displayed these warnings? May be there is option to turn check for certificate completely?
Modificado por sHAsHiLx a