After upgrade to v91 my message filters stopped working
Before upgrade all filters worked well but after upgrade they stopped working. All messages stays in Inbox despite of filters. I reconfigured filters by Edit button and changing Move message to folder. But the messages are still staying in Inbox. I have to press Run Now on each filter to apply it manually.
Todas as respostas (9)
Users meet such problems and various others when they install TB91 after uninstalling versions <= TB78 and keep the old profile folder. All problems vanish when after installing TB91 a new profile folder is created. TB91 has significant software changes in its core compared to old versions. All data can be imported from previous backed up/exported files.
I was hoping that I wouldn't need to make a clean install and spend time for tuning TB once again. But I guess I have to. Thank you anyway.
Email me in case more help is needed.
Lampros said
Email me in case more help is needed.
Requesting contact outside of the public forums is not allowed. Please do not do it again.
ivan.baklykov said
I was hoping that I wouldn't need to make a clean install and spend time for tuning TB once again. But I guess I have to. Thank you anyway.
I would look in tools > developer > error console for issues related to filter errors
> All users must understand that TB91 is developed a lot differently than TB78 or earlier. > Most problems users face and report on the forum have been created because they installed TB91 keeping the old profile folder.
Sorry to say, but both of these sentences are utterly incorrect. Please stop spreading this information.
Wayne Mery,
All users must understand that TB91 is developed a lot differently than TB78 or earlier.
(See developers notes https://www.thunderbird.net/en-US/thunderbird/91.0/releasenotes/)
Most problems users face and report on the forum have been created because they installed TB91 keeping the old profile folder.
(You have to admit this is true for many problems mentioned in the forum)
We are not talking about spreading false/incorrect sentences but giving advice (Anybody has the right to follow or not). This forum is very useful not only to report problems but also to propose solutions. I cannot understand the polite request " to stop spreading"...
> All users must understand that TB91 is developed a lot differently than TB78 or earlier.
As one of the persons involved in delivering new versions, I can tell you the this item is definitely false.
The development and delivery process of TB91 is the same as TB78. If someone has told you otherwise they are misinformed.
Wayne Mery said
I would look in tools > developer > error console for issues related to filter errors
I've already solved the problem by removing the profile and making a clean install. Now filters work fine.
Modificado por ivan.baklykov a