Password not recognised in Hotmail
Every time I try and send a hotmail email it pops up and askes for password, I enter it (and it is correct) and just asks again and again but also says: Sending of the message failed. Unable to authenticate to Outgoing server (SMTP) smtp.office365.com. Please check the password and verify the 'Authentication method' in 'Account Settings | Outgoing server (SMTP)'.
but that does not help
Todas as respostas (14)
lf you're receiving a message for invalid password, you will need to change it. Many email hosts require a separate password when being accessed from email clients. I suggest you do a websearch for
hotmail app password as there are several websites with info on that.
but its not asking for two-step verification, and only changed the password a few weeks ago
I don't think it requires two-step. and the password you changed was likely not an APP password. Again, I encourage you to look elsewhere for a proper password. Every day, I see multiple queries from people trying to use the password from web access for Thunderbird and they don't work for email providers who want separate ones.
When I did a search for hotmail app password it came back with two step verification ! I do use a proper password and I don't use thunderbird on the web.
any way it has just started working for no reason other than changing the word in the Server settings of Outlook.com from outlook.office365.com
I'm glad all is well now. Thanks for update.
I have just found that when I send a mail from Gmail to hotmail I get this Sending of the message failed. An error occurred while sending mail. The mail server responded: SendAsDenied; g6yrk@hotmail.com not allowed to send as steve.g6yrk@gmail.com; STOREDRV.Submission.Exception:SendAsDeniedException.MapiExceptionSendAsDenied; Failed to process message due to a permanent exception with message [BeginDiagnosticData]Cannot submit message. 0.35250:1C040000, 1.36674:0A000000, 1.61250:00000000, 1.45378:02000000, 1.44866:45020000, 1.36674:0E000000, 1.61250:00000000, 1.45378:4A020000, 1.44866:E0000000, 16.55847:9F030000, 17.43559:0000000024020000000000000000000000000000, 20.52176:140F6A9510004010F1030000, 20.50032:140F6A9580174010F1030000, 0.35180:00000000, 255.23226:00000000, 255.27962:0A000000, 255.27962:0E000000, 255.31418:F1030000, 0.35250:00000000, 1.36674:0A000000, 1.61250:00000000, 1.45378:02000000, 1.44866:1A000000, 1.36674:32000000, 1.61250:00000000, 1.45378:1F000000, 1.44866:01000000, 16.55847:95000000, 17.43559:0000000080030000000000000000000000000000, 20.52176:140F6A951000101001000000, 20.50032:140F6A958017101002000000, 0.35180:00000000, 255.23226:7A000000, 255.27962:0A000000, 255.27962:32000000, 255.17082:DC040000, 0.27745:0A000000, 4.21921:DC040000, 255.27962:FA000000, 255.1494:501B0000, 0.38698:46000000, 1.41134:46000000, 0.37692:4E000100, 0.37948:4E000100, 5.33852:00000000534D545000000000, 7.36354:0100000000000109D4E62600, 4.56248:DC040000, 7.40748:010000000000010B00000000, 7.57132:000000000000000004000000, 4.39640:DC040000, 1.63016:32000000, 8.45434:FDBF0600C983AC0100000000000000003A356665, 1.46798:04000000, 5.10786:0000000031352E32302E353438322E3031363A415334503235304D42303433383A35666561333934352D626534372D343039392D383338322D3839303430636335636632303A373939383400, 7.51330:59A128C3E573DA0812000000, 0.39570:00000000, 1.55954:0A000000, 0.49266:2F000000, 1.33010:0A000000, 2.54258:00000000, 0.40002:0C000000, 1.56562:00000000, 1.64146:32000000, 1.33010:32000000, 2.54258:DC040000, 255.1750:D3020000, 255.31418:B6000000, 0.22753:03003866, 255.21817:DC040000, 0.64418:BB000000, 4.39842:DC040000, 0.41586:DD020000, 4.60547:DC040000, 0.21966:0A002D67, 4.30158:DC040000[EndDiagnosticData] [Hostname=AS4P250MB0438.EURP250.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM]. Please check the message and try again.
It may help if you post your server settings for incoming and outgoing. screenshots of the appropriate Thunderbird panes are preferred. This may be over my head, but the info is needed. Thanks. david
It won't let me copy and Paste
There is a free snapshot utility at bluefive dot pair dot com. With that, you can create jpg screenshots.
I don't know what bluefive dot pair dot com is but I have wrote down what they are
POP Mail Server Outlook.com 995 SSL/TLS Normal password
SMTP Server
Description Hotmail
Server name smtp.office365.com
Port 587
Con Security STARTTLS
Authentiction method normal password
That is a domain name. I spell it out because a moderator must intervene if I write the url directly. I'm confused because you stated you sent email from gmail, but I don't see any gmail settings there.
I have found a way to do a screen shot
Okay, you have five outgoing servers, so I infer that you also have five incoming servers. My inference is one, or more, is incorrectly identified. That is, your error message is that you are sending as a gmail account, but the error indicates the email id on the server was a hotmail account. My suggestion is to review all the accounts and confirm that each one is affiliated with the right outgoing server.
Hi the problem is but what is the correct settings when Thunderbird changes them, as I said at the start the Hotmail account worked fine then it just popped up saying there was a wrong password, but in fact the settings had changed and so confusing things,
I just wish thunderbird would stop changing things with out telling people
I have used Thunderbird for some years but getting to the stage of thinking of changing