OneDrive doesn't load
Hi community, i have a problem with OneDrive and i want to troubleshoot some possibilities.
Outlook.com, Office.com and every other website loads in Firefox. But only the OneDrive website refuses to load. I tried it in Microsoft Edge and there it loads. The service is definitly up and running.
So i have the suggestion that the exented tracking protection might be the reason for OneDrive not loading.
How can i be sure if the tracking protection is the problem? Has OneDrive so many trackers? I mean it is Microsoft, of course it has. But how would this prevent the site from loading?
Greetings ffproblems
Todas as respostas (2)
Mhm too bad. Then Onedrive is not worth using. I want an equal network society. Every website should work in every browser. If microsoft can't build a cloud which works in a tracking protection, then it is their problem.
But at least i wanted to know why it does not work in Firefox. Maybe it is a completely different reason.
I'm not satisfied with "the microsoft browser works best with microsoft websites". This is just believing. I really want to know what the technical problems are. Even if i can not solve them.
Sorry, but that isn't going to happen. That is a utopia that *Hackers/Crackers" would only love they would access every account you have and do and sell your info. So one should think wisely here when asking for something like that. This is my philosophy but people use too many same login email for accounts that this isn't realistic to do anymore.