Live Chat with Firefox support is a sham
Yeah, I posted on here before, but no ones responds or reads it I guess. I've tried to do the on-line chat with support for 3 days, talked to a rep for a second, she said she had to go, couldn't chat now. It's like Mozilla created this software, has this site, but NO ONE is monitoring the site, the questions, volunteers who don't care is the main support. Firefox, Mozilla YOU SUCK.
Todas as respostas (6)
Your diatribe was read today.
Well, you guys aren't running a professional show here. This site is being administered as if it were some start up that didn't care.
And it is interesting that over the past two days, I've posted NON-DIATRIBE, questions regarding a technical problem, and those go unanswered. So the negative comment is more interesting to you than a legit questions. Lame.
This is a Community-Driven Support Web Site where users volunteer their time and knowledge to help other users, the Mozilla personnel rarely visit here, much less provide support help in this forum. It works like that for every piece of open-source free software that I have ever used. Unfortunately there aren't any Mac users who frequent this forum on a regular basis to help other users. In the past when I attempted to help a Mac user with something that seemed easy to answer and my answer was off base, I was (occasionally) rudely told to not bother trying to help if I didn't know anything about Mac's. So I rarely answer any questions from Mac users.
Over at the MozillaZine Firefox support fora there is a moderator that knows his stuff with Mac's and is a Mac user himself. AFAIK there aren't any Mac users who frequent this forum and help other Mac users by answering questions.
Thank you for taking the time to give me a response that makes sense. Since Mozilla obviously doesn't care, then I will not use the software anymore. I am ramping up Chrome, and if that doesn't work, I'll go back to Safari.