Why are my questions dated March 20th removed from this forum?
March 20th I asked a question about FF opening pages in an other language than in the SET language Even this help page is in Russian while my set language is Eng US I have upgraded fom 3.15 to 4.0 RC 2 Now my questions have been removed.?????????????????????????
Todas as respostas (2)
Your questions are still there, but they didn't get an answer.
Firefox 4 no longer has language (country) information in the user agent.
The preferred languages are still send via the HTTP response header, but sites may resolve your location via a reverse DNS lookup and use the local language based upon that result.
Thanks for replying I appreciate that . Hope to get my answer as my FireFox is all in Russian even I downloaded the Us version This is weard. Even the replying box sending my answer to you is in Russian. I am not familliar with that language. Cheers