Swagbucks keeps showing up even after I removed it from the Add-Ons.
I installed the Swagbucks Toolbar & it took over my iGoogle search engine for FireFox. Iwent to the Add-Ons & Extensions & removed the Swagbucks/Conduit Add-Ons BUT it is not really gone. Everytime I try to go to Goolge the Swagbucks web-site pops up. I NEED to know how to COMPLETELY remove Swagbucks from my FIreFox..??..
I would like to add that my iGoogle web-page will not show my Gadgets since the Swagbucks ha taken over.
Todas as respostas (1)
I just figured this one out and it worked for Firefox 5.0. First, I removed everything from the extensions/add-ons that had to do with Swagbucks. Then, in the toolbar search bar itself, I used the drop down menu next to the Swagbucks logo and selected managed search engines; swagbucks; then selected remove. It seems to have worked, since I've restarted and it has not come back yet.