Firefox 5.01 has many issues, how do I revert to version 4?
I have used Firefox through many versions for years but changing to version 5 was a downgrade. It is very slow, freezes frequently and does not show all content (eg www.telegraph.co.uk picture galeries have no navigation panel). Where can I download Firefox 4?
Todas as respostas (6)
Firefox 4 is no longer supported or considered secure. Firefox 3.6 is supported still for a while and would have to be your choice for a downgrade. (You could even consider Firefox 6 from the beta channel some of its improvements may actually help)
I have opened the Telegraph page you link to on an XP side by side in Firefox 5 and Firefox 4 and do not notice any difference. Your problems may not relate directly to the version of Firefox you are using. Consider trying in Firefox's safe mode but on the first dialogue window with the check box list do NOT make changes just click on continue.
Hi John99.
Thanks for your suggestion. I tried Firefox in safe mode and got the same problem. It is specifically the Telegraph Photo Galleries which don't work. There is a list links for them of them on the News/UK tab, eg. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/picturegalleries/8652971/Get-ready-for-2012-Royal-Mail-issues-ten-stamps-to-mark-one-year-to-the-Olympics.html. When I use Opera or IE to load these pages they show, in the blank space to the right of the main photo, navigation buttons and thumbnails for the other photos in the group.
These worked OK in version 4 so I assume that 5 is flawed but may not get fixed if 6 is in the pipeline. In view of this and other issues I get the feeling that 5 is a 'Vista' version.
Firefox 4 was more of a Vista version, and is now unsupported even though 3.6 is still supported. Trying the link you now give http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/pict.../Get-ready-for-2012-Royal-Mail-issues-ten-stamps-to-mark-one-year-to-the-Olympics.html. I get an effective 404 error, about page not found, when using Firefox 7.0a2 i will try to have a closer look.
Although your link does not work, and I did see some pages with no pictures; what does work seems the same on the differing versions of Firefox.
I was able to open the following linked gallery simultaneously in Firefox 3.6 , 4 , and 7 : http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/picturegalleries/8660364/Amazing-caves-of-giant-crystals-inside-the-Naica-Mine-in-Chihuahua-Mexico.html
There are 14 images and navigation buttons for next and previous. The navigation buttons work in the three Firefox versions when I tested this.
It's strange that 5 does not show these pages as previous versions did. As I said I tried a completely clean install - no add ins and default setting - without success. I have run out of ideas. Luckily IE, Opera and Chrome work OK! Thanks anyway for your input.
Sorry I could not be of more help. I can not seem to notice the problems that you are seeing even when I use Firefox 5 on my own Windows XP. I have just run IE7 and Firefox& alongside each other with the gallery I provided a link to. The navigation buttons thumbnails and main image were present on both. (The main difference was that the advertisements did not synchronise!)
Are you using any addblocking software that could be interfering?