after i install firefox 6 what will gonna happen to my orbit downloder V4.1.0.2 ?am i still able to download through orbit?last time when i upgrade to firefox 5 my orbit did not worked. thanks
last time i had older version of orbit downloder, so when i uupgrade my firefox to firefox 5.the orbit downloder grab ++ did not work. i mean before i was able to download video when i browse with firefox 4. after upgrading it i could not do it.
now i have the ORBIT DOWNLODER latest version V
my question is if i upgrade to Firefox 6, this orbit downloder grab ++ will it work or will it crash?
so i'm afraid of upgrade to firefox 6.
Todas as respostas (2)
Orbit is not compatible with FF 6, however the grab window functions normally and can captures files while they're playing, but you'll need to start grab ++ window before you start browing, so that it can grab videos and mp3 files. Hope this helps.
I think FF should stop shifting so fast from one version to a another unless for a good reason.
thx ,lot! appreciate!i think the same as you. FF should stay on same platform for a while until others approaching to the same platform , FF should understand this issue seriously.