
Firefox Firefox Ultima actualizare:
Voluntarii noștri lucrează la traducerea acestui articol. Până ce va fi gata, poate că îți va fi de ajutor versiunea în limba engleză. Dacă vrei să ne ajuți să traducem articole ca acesta, dă clic aici.
  1. Click the menu button Fx89menuButton to open the menu panel.
  2. Click History and select Clear recent history…
  3. In the Time range to clear: drop-down, select Everything.
  4. Below the drop-down menu, select both Cookies and Cache. Make sure other items you want to keep are not selected.
  5. Click Clear Now.
  1. Click the menu button Fx89menuButton to open the menu panel.
  2. Click History and select Clear recent history…
  3. In the When: drop-down, select Everything.
  4. Below the drop-down menu, select both Cookies and site data and Temporary cached files and pages. Make sure other items you want to keep are not selected.
  5. Click Clear.

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Illustration of hands

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