
Здравствуйте! Использую Thunderbird 128.7.1esr (64-разрядный). В ранее поступивших письмах с вложениями, которые мной не были прочитаны при выборе соответствующего сообщ… (citește mai mult)

Здравствуйте! Использую Thunderbird 128.7.1esr (64-разрядный). В ранее поступивших письмах с вложениями, которые мной не были прочитаны при выборе соответствующего сообщения не отображаются прикреплённые вложения - "Скриншот 1" прилагается. При просмотре сообщения в отдельном окне - открывается пустое окно - "Скриншот 2" прилагается. Все новые поступающие сообщения и сообщения которые были прочитаны открываются и просматриваются нормально.

Asked by cgsenmsch38 acum 4 ore

Having a problem attaching an Excel file; when I restarted it, saved message was not visible in drafts

I had written a fairly long message, and tried to attach an Excel spreadsheet. I usually have a problem finding a MS file - seems to have a number of "documents" folder l… (citește mai mult)

I had written a fairly long message, and tried to attach an Excel spreadsheet. I usually have a problem finding a MS file - seems to have a number of "documents" folder locations. Assume some are "copy of" folders. So every copy I could find of the *file* gave an error of "File name" "Not implemented". I thought at first it was a pseudo-folder issue, why I tried all of them.

One of the suggestions I read was to log out and back in to TBird. I x'd out of it, and said yes to save as draft. When I logged back in, the Drafts folder was empty. I did a search all on my account, and found it, with the folder listed as Drafts. But I still couldn't get the Excel to attach (I finally solved it by using Outlook. Not my favorite option, but it seems to have worked.

I went back to Drafts after sending with Outlook, and I'm not sure what happened, but it was no longer showing in the Drafts, and then I did something else, and it showed up in Drafts. No, not sure what I did.

Anyone have any ideas? TBird: 128.7.1esr (64-bit) Microsoft® Excel® for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2502 Build 16.0.18526.20086) 64-bit

Asked by diana32 acum 5 ore

Thunderbird Open Email Tabs Are Blank

I often have open email tabs and come back to them days/weeks later to go through them. Today I was deleting emails not needed to free up some space, restarted the compu… (citește mai mult)

I often have open email tabs and come back to them days/weeks later to go through them. Today I was deleting emails not needed to free up some space, restarted the computer, and all my open tabs are blank, both the heading on the tab as well as the tab itself. I have no way to know what those emails were, except to go through a couple months of emails, looking for ones I had open. Any idea how to restore the text in the blank email tabs?

Asked by lloyd27 acum 6 ore

Messages don't appear in any mailboxes

Showing inbox and other mailboxes have messages from Gmail, but nothing shows up. Message list is blank. Tried turning off SSL/TLS and OAuth2, but to no effect. -- Upda… (citește mai mult)

Showing inbox and other mailboxes have messages from Gmail, but nothing shows up. Message list is blank. Tried turning off SSL/TLS and OAuth2, but to no effect.

-- Update: Messages show up in Troubleshoot Mode. I don't have any extensions installed.

Asked by jjr2 acum 10 ore

Thunderbird no longer will send emails using Share in Word

Thunderbird is my default email client. A couple of weeks ago, when trying to Share a Word document as email, I received the error message "Word couldn't send message be… (citește mai mult)

Thunderbird is my default email client. A couple of weeks ago, when trying to Share a Word document as email, I received the error message "Word couldn't send message because of MAPI failure: "Unspecified error". I have use this feature for years. Any idea what is going on? Microsoft suggests that I use Outlook-I don't think so.

Asked by Don acum 11 ore

send messages

Bonjour depuis une semaine je ne peux plus envoyer de mail je reçois mais ne peux envoyer après avoir interroger free et 1 informaticien il résulte que c'est entre thunde… (citește mai mult)

Bonjour depuis une semaine je ne peux plus envoyer de mail je reçois mais ne peux envoyer après avoir interroger free et 1 informaticien il résulte que c'est entre thunderbird et free que ça coince puisque je peux envoyer via gmail via outlook via zimbra merci de résoudre le problème svp cordialement cat.mortier@free.fr 0685487395

Asked by Cathy Mortier acum 13 ore

Sync all folders

Is there a way to enable sync for all folders by default? I have my mail server set up to put messages to the address mail+x@... In the folder "x" and I use different ad… (citește mai mult)

Is there a way to enable sync for all folders by default?

I have my mail server set up to put messages to the address mail+x@... In the folder "x" and I use different addresses for every service I sign up to to avoid spam. This has all worked very well with k9 until recently - new emails were automatically shown, even if they were in new folders. But since a few days this doesn't work anymore, only the Inbox is synced, and I have discovered that there's an option to enable sync for every folder individually, which doesn't work for me, as I need the app to sync new folders (and I have too many folders already for it not to be annoying to enable everything manually).

Thanks in advance!

Asked by mail2318 acum 21 de ore

Reloading lost emails?

Thunderbird tried to compact an Inbox folder that contained a large number of emails, but something went wrong and I kept getting the error message about not having enoug… (citește mai mult)

Thunderbird tried to compact an Inbox folder that contained a large number of emails, but something went wrong and I kept getting the error message about not having enough space or authority. Eventually it stopped, but all emails in that folder back to 2021 disappeared. Tried the repairing folder option, that had no apparent effect. Now it loads new messages just fine, but all those for the last four years are absent. I have it set to leave messages on the server, and indeed they all are. So I should be able to get Thunderbird to re-load them, right? But I have searched in vain for any instructions on how to do this, and cannot figure it out. Is it possible?

Asked by tbray1 acum 1 zi

Problem moving a message to local folders

if i move a message from my Thunderbird inbox on my PC to a folder in the local folders, the message moves correctly on the PC, but remains in the inbox on my iPhone. If… (citește mai mult)

if i move a message from my Thunderbird inbox on my PC to a folder in the local folders, the message moves correctly on the PC, but remains in the inbox on my iPhone.

If I delete a message from my Thunderbird inbox on my PC, it is deleted correctly on the PC and on my iPhone.

Any ideas why moving a message to a local folder is acting up suddenly!

Asked by dan339 acum 4 zile

Last reply by dan339 acum 1 zi

recurring email problems - non stop scrolling inbox

After trying to delete a large batch of emails from my primary account inbox, on restart, the files appear to return and the inbox won't stop scrolling, making it next t… (citește mai mult)

After trying to delete a large batch of emails from my primary account inbox, on restart, the files appear to return and the inbox won't stop scrolling, making it next to impossible to isolate and read new email (the list of messages keeps scrolling) Is there a way to delete or archive to stop the older incoming emails from reappearing in the inbox?

Asked by jdecrist acum 1 zi

Thunderbird and GMail keep losing Sync

My wife has been using Thunderbird for Years Our email provider went to GMAIL about 2 years ago and we set up TBird to connect as per their instructions. It has been wo… (citește mai mult)

My wife has been using Thunderbird for Years

Our email provider went to GMAIL about 2 years ago and we set up TBird to connect as per their instructions.

It has been working perfectly until recently.

What happens is it seems the two lose sync with each other. No emails come in, and when sending one out, we get an error saying it can't be put in the sent file due to a network error. Also when deleting emails they are not deleted from the gmail account, only TBird The only temporary fix is to delete the gmail account and re-install. This gets it going again but all the emails that were deleted come back in from GMail and we have to delete them all again. I have to do this every couple of days or sometimes it goes a week and it's a pain. We also get a certificate error that has something to do with port 993. Sorry, didn't get a screen shot. Have the latest Thunderbird on the PC as well. It's running Windows 7, I know it's badly out of date, but could that be the problem? Some people are hard to convince to change things Has anyone seen or heard of this happening.

Asked by sqrat acum 2 zile

Last reply by sqrat acum 1 zi

Thunderbird: Some folder names are in faint italics

I am in the process of moving my saved emails from Thunderbird local folders to my email service provider, Runbox.com. I'm using the right-click context menu "Move to" it… (citește mai mult)

I am in the process of moving my saved emails from Thunderbird local folders to my email service provider, Runbox.com. I'm using the right-click context menu "Move to" item, moving a few folders at a time.

It's not going well. When I view the list of folders at Runbox using Thunderbird, it's far from what I see when I use RunBox's web interface (V6). Some folders are visible one way and not the other, the hierarchy of folders is different, and so on. It's bad enough now that I'm going to halt this project, until I can clean things up and be certain that I'm not going to lose any emails.

So. When using Thunderbird to look at the list of folders at Runbox, many of the folder names appear in a faint italic font. I'd like to know what this means - I wasn't able to find out anything online about this. Clicking on one of the faint italic folder names does list the expected emails, and I can open them.

Once I understand this, I might be able to improve my understanding of the situation to the point where I can explain things to tech support at Runbox.

Thanks for any assistance :)

- - - Peter

Asked by whitefoot6 acum 3 zile

Last reply by whitefoot6 acum 1 zi

Folder counts are correct, but when opened mails missing

Hello Overnight Thunderbird has developed a major problem. The count for the number of mails in a folder is correct, as best I can tell, but when I open the folder it i… (citește mai mult)


Overnight Thunderbird has developed a major problem. The count for the number of mails in a folder is correct, as best I can tell, but when I open the folder it is either empty or has fewer mails than the count. Based on several tests, repairing sometimes adds more mails, sometimes not, but never the entire folder.

I repaired the inbox and it is now showing several mails that I deleted in the last few days (by emptying the delete folder having previously deleted them). Curiously, they’re all the same type, routine mailings about road works.

I may have backup in that I copy the entire Thunderbird folder to an external drive every morning, including today, and to Google Drive every Wednesday.

Please can you help.

Thank you

Asked by MrsF acum 5 zile

Last reply by MrsF acum 1 zi

trouble importing outlook 2010 files

hi, I am trying to import my Outlook 2010 (windows 10) files into Thunderbird (on windows 11) but TB keeps saying there is no file to be found. I cannot find any way to d… (citește mai mult)

hi, I am trying to import my Outlook 2010 (windows 10) files into Thunderbird (on windows 11) but TB keeps saying there is no file to be found. I cannot find any way to do this. I have 10 email accounts to import

Asked by admin960 acum 1 zi


bonjour, Pourquoi un message reçu sur ma messagerie secondaire est-elle aussi chiffrée ? En voici le détail: Le 01/03/2025 à 06:45, Dromadaire a écrit : > E… (citește mai mult)

bonjour, Pourquoi un message reçu sur ma messagerie secondaire est-elle aussi chiffrée ? En voici le détail:

Le 01/03/2025 à 06:45, Dromadaire a écrit : > Envoyez une Dromacarte gratuite pour répandre la tendresse ! > [1] > AUJOURD'HUI, C'EST LA JOURNÉE MONDIALE DU COMPLIMENT ! > [2] > Cher Jclaude, > Saviez-vous que le 1er mars est la Journée mondiale du compliment ? Voici une belle occasion de faire plaisir à vos proches avec des [3] Dromacartes pleines de tendresse . Et bien sûr : les Dromacartes sont encore (et toujours) gratuites ! > [4] J'ENVOIE UNE DROMACARTE ! > Anniversaires, fêtes, etc… Dites-le avec un cadeau personnalisé ! > [5] [Bild: Peluche personnalisée géante] > Peluches personnalisées géantes > [6] [Bild: Peluche personnalisée] > Peluches personnalisées classiques > [7] [Bild: Boîte personnalisée] > Boîte personnalisée > [8] [Bild: Puzzle personnalisés] > Puzzles personnalisés > [9] [Bild: Boules à neige coeur personnalisées] > Boules à neige "cœurs" > [10] [Bild: Boules à neige personnalisées] > Boules à neige classiques > [11] [Bild: Mug personnalisé] > Mugs et tasses > [12] [Bild: Sacs & tote-bags] > Sacs & tote-bags > [13] [Bild: Coussins personnalisés] > Coussins > [14] [Bild: Bol en céramique] > Bols en céramique > [15] [Bild: Tapis de souris] > Tapis de souris > [16] [Bild: Chaise de star personnalisée] > Chaises VIP > [17] VOIR TOUS LES CADEAUX > [18] > KISSEO, LE SERVICE D'OBJETS PERSONNALISABLES DE DROMADAIRE > 86 bis rue de la République 92800 Puteaux - France > [19] Lire en ligne | [20] Se désabonner > Ce message vous a été envoyé à l'adresse jcl.renaudie@free.fr car vous avez utilisé le service de cartes de dromadaire.com. Pour exercer votre droit d'opposition, d'accès, de modification ou suppression de vos données, [21] cliquez sur ce lien de désinscription ou écrivez-nous : Dromadaire.com, 86 bis rue de la République, 92800 Puteaux France. Cette communication est susceptible de contenir des cookies destinés à améliorer la qualité des offres qui vous sont proposées. Pour en savoir plus et, notamment, pour s'opposer à leur installation, nous vous invitons à consulter notre charte de protection des données personnelles de dromadaire.com, en [22] suivant ce lien . Pour toute question ou aide, vous pouvez [23] cliquer ici > Links > ____________________________________________________________________________ > 1. http://dromadaire-news.com/i/MpBH4m5wBLk_VtORELuugjtWNoPL1veSpzAuaYS4_a_CibmByaT5ryMvj4EoxWCuEEA2RImrhXrM-PRgo7VnHg > 2. http://dromadaire-news.com/i/BpofoaWJInJ-CU_ds4QoZfaUTv3fvceF6TUbku_OjLXZxYAt1lRA7QOQS339TXmW41WTbn3LWLXkh1I5eHnZIw > 3. http://dromadaire-news.com/i/u8OQk5kgpb1dcX1XOMfDO9srJ3KDUOmC3N3VOblTu0k4NxIn2qEL_JY7XlQriuced4Il2FvPxuqIc74PviWyVw > 4. http://dromadaire-news.com/i/ELDqLKkwOlK0uDbozHgl4GMs5fsHM0ljvz76Wq661QIuddKxjzAsBfH4EU6D3Hx7ntz9Y40Dm_bzxW3opPDcxQ > 5. http://dromadaire-news.com/i/d9pRudX291tZrd6ry4oDHTxUm9pP1NHbhNoge0BI2Uc > 6. http://dromadaire-news.com/i/OArsupukTIcnyVTb9wW20gmWL_S4LIapvLTBM7u74_s > 7. http://dromadaire-news.com/i/FrYkRX7gBzDVNOi5b0BUYhkxhDQcV5caScn7bjj11aM > 8. http://dromadaire-news.com/i/xTq_9lD9Lp2pOU9hfPIKUQRHPpdZ1aI9LsYXdWAeAZo > 9. http://dromadaire-news.com/i/dAltZp6MALrai_NfoOpLOGIXdYXquZx9zVyCbUuYN4s > 10. http://dromadaire-news.com/i/T_9BL5AoJz1wNxWjMnQYkBm_2lUOPMDssFT1W3zfYlI > 11. http://dromadaire-news.com/i/OSHgITXufTrbgL1q7xQtm30V4cjwjMLrtES4tsco2u8 > 12. http://dromadaire-news.com/i/h95-cJJTrWfLXo0PiBkG3L054j7wsJh9EG3am5uJOLk > 13. http://dromadaire-news.com/i/XSQ6ym2nHrxK2fIZq69TlrDQEnLsDuwnycibUX2tsqg > 14. http://dromadaire-news.com/i/yvyx834ziqS32Ugvt5_ULA5PK9H9EemKjMNZaecEYBw > 15. http://dromadaire-news.com/i/UvWgWJqvlxd5STYZvpEsffVO2i2GGrv-GhZcp7u6P8Y > 16. http://dromadaire-news.com/i/Jqs_5B9yL6nJ_IlVvtZXz-AhNB8aWcSVSj-YW5NMAm0 > 17. http://dromadaire-news.com/i/Ujd0syD4PhWYe8lIGS5uky7GmB0jXjNHmIEfdTYBM0c > 18. http://dromadaire-news.com/i/71QEwnBM6EnvyFQbDlWeSZ_1BObSbCnwiqSi0fR_HMA > 19. http://dromadaire-news.com/i/mJRWGLU4PCn0B2UkwOR5g_Toi5q3WZHw1lDaFnCGG9oYJbQ7LCS_IQ > 20. http://dromadaire-news.com/i/tprZFVPdbdL3ovBVAruR15IeNFk188T4Ux-lD-slfBI > 21. http://dromadaire-news.com/i/THVsEYmaNbe0VZQBdLi0OjxibDlCkN8f55sn8ahUtxc > 22. http://dromadaire-news.com/i/mkTcz_goQSNiSuAhke_5-DTt2bexmMFAm2WLMk6rQMw > 23. http://dromadaire-news.com/i/cq_yN1M_ZAObncMwS9eIrVDPhvJ2_wnzkuO8Wsuuego

Asked by jclaude.farrugia acum 1 zi

Not receiving my emails

I normally get over 100 emails a day. Recently there have been random days where i receive no emails all day. I know that is not possible. So what happened to them? … (citește mai mult)

I normally get over 100 emails a day. Recently there have been random days where i receive no emails all day. I know that is not possible. So what happened to them?

Asked by 2334ladyscout acum 2 zile

Reordering Email Accounts

I was having some trouble with an email account. I deleted and re-added the account. As this is my primary email account, it was at the top of my account listing. Afte… (citește mai mult)

I was having some trouble with an email account. I deleted and re-added the account. As this is my primary email account, it was at the top of my account listing. After adding it back, it is now at the bottom of the list. I opened Account Settings and dragged the account to the top. When I departed Account Settings, the account still shows at the bottom of the list. I tried moving the top accounts down. I tried moving other email accounts up or down. All of them remain in the same order when I exit Account Settings. I did read somewhere that I need to accept or otherwise indicate that I confirm the new account order before leaving Account Settings. I cannot see any button in Account Settings that allows me to do this. I just X-out of Account Settings. I would very much appreciate any suggestions. Thank you !

Asked by tjh acum 3 zile

Displaying Long URLs in Incoming Emails - Need Help with Readability

Hi Thunderbird Community, I started using Thunderbird yesterday. I am using the latest update, 28.7.1esr (64-bit). I’m encountering an issue with how URLs are displayed… (citește mai mult)

Hi Thunderbird Community,

I started using Thunderbird yesterday. I am using the latest update, 28.7.1esr (64-bit).

I’m encountering an issue with how URLs are displayed in my incoming emails. Instead of showing shortened, clickable links, emails from LinkedIn and other sources display the entire lengthy URLs, which include various codes and symbols. This makes the emails difficult to read.

For example:


The URLs show up in their full form rather than as clickable links or with descriptive text. I have checked the settings, but I could not find an option to improve the readability of these URLs.

Can anyone suggest a way to configure Thunderbird to display URLs in a more readable manner, similar to how they appear in Outlook or other email clients?

Thanks in advance for your assistance!


Asked by Anders Sundstedt acum 3 zile

Jumps to last message when deleting a message

For the last year or so, whenever I delete a message from anywhere in my Inbox, Thunderbird then jumps to the last message, rather than staying where I was. This is infur… (citește mai mult)

For the last year or so, whenever I delete a message from anywhere in my Inbox, Thunderbird then jumps to the last message, rather than staying where I was. This is infuriating when trying to clean up my inbox, necessitating scrolling back to the previous position each time. Is there any easy solution to this?

Asked by bluenorw acum 3 zile