End of support for Firefox Reality

Firefox Reality Firefox Reality Ultima actualizare: 58% of users voted this helpful
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If you are viewing this in a headset and wish to use another device to read this, please head to Firefox Reality.

Mozilla has ended support for Firefox Reality on Oculus Go, Oculus Quest, HTC Viveport, Windows Standalone AR, and Pico Neo (to learn more, see this Mozilla blog post dated February 3, 2022). The project has been passed to Igalia in the form of their Wolvic browser which will be available on selected devices. Firefox Reality may continue to work on your device, but it will no longer receive support or security updates.

If you have an Oculus Quest, Pico 4 or Pico 4E device, we recommend that you install Wolvic from the Oculus or Pico app stores. You can learn more about Wolvic at Wolvic.com.

If you have an HTC, Windows AR device or other Pico headset, we recommend that you look in the app stores for those devices for an alternative.

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