Export Firefox bookmarks to an HTML file to back up or transfer bookmarks

Firefox Firefox Ultima actualizare: 2 săptămâni ago 78% of users voted this helpful
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This article explains how to export your bookmarks to an HTML file, which can be used as a backup or for importing into another web browser.

  1. Click the menu button Fx89menuButton to open the menu panel. Click Bookmarks and then click the Manage bookmarks bar at the bottom.
  2. In the toolbar of the Library window click the import-export-arrows Import and Backup button
    import-export-arrowsImport and Backup and choose Export Bookmarks to HTML… from the drop-down menu.
    Library window - Export Bookmarks to HTML

  3. In the Export Bookmarks File window that opens, choose a location to save the file, which is named bookmarks.html by default. The desktop is usually a good spot, but any place that is easy to remember will work.
  4. Click Save. The Export Bookmarks File window will close.
  5. Close the Library window.
Your bookmarks are now successfully exported from Firefox. The bookmarks HTML file you saved is now ready to be imported into another web browser or a new device.

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