Keyboard Shortcuts for Searching

Thunderbird Thunderbird Ultima actualizare: 46% of users voted this helpful
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This page shows the keyboard shortcuts for the various search functions in Thunderbird. For the full list of all keyboard shortcuts, see Keyboard Shortcuts.

Prior to version 3.1

In earlier versions (prior to 3.1) of Thunderbird, the Ctrl / Command + F key combination invoked the function for searching for text in the currently selected message.

Version 3.1 to version 7

In subsequent versions prior to version 8, the Ctrl / Command + F key combination was reassigned to invoke Quick Filter, which allows you to limit the messages currently displayed by specifying various filter parameters.

The keystroke combination for searching for text within a message was Ctrl / Command + F, Ctrl / Command + F. (That is, the same key combination used twice in a row.)

Version 8 and later

As of Thunderbird version 8, the following keystrokes are assigned to search functions:

  • Search All Messages (Global Search): Ctrl + KCommand + KCtrl + K
  • Quick Filter Bar (filter messages in current view): Ctrl + Shift + KCommand + Shift + KCtrl + Shift + K
  • Search for messages in a folder (search dialog): Ctrl + Shift + F Command + Shift + FCtrl + Shift + F
  • Find text in current message: Ctrl + F Command + FCtrl + F
  • Find again in current message: Ctrl + G or F3Command + G or F3Ctrl + G or F3
  • Find previous in current message: Ctrl + Shift + G or Shift + F3Command + Shift + G or Shift + F3Ctrl + Shift + G or Shift + F3

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