Mobile support - iOS tags

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In Conversocial, you'll see 3 types of tags: issue, component, and category. It's good hygiene to make sure that we have at least apply issue and component tags.

Issue tags

Issue tags are tags that describe the type of issue. In AppBot, it's start with "Issue:".

Issue:Bug Users reporting an issue/bug.
Issue:Compliment Compliment about the product.
Issue:Feedback Users trying to give feedback instead of looking for help.
Issue:Get help Users trying to get support (how-to questions).
Issue:Rant Hateful comment without specific feedback.

Component tags

Component tags are tags that describe the area of the product that become problematic. Here are component tags we have for iOS:

Tag name Description
Accessibility Category for any inquiries related to accessibility of the product.
Account Category for Firefox Account related issues
Ad-block Category for Firefox Account concern about ad-blocking
Add-ons Category for any inquiries related to add-ons/extensions
Autofill Category for the autofill feature
Bookmarks Category for any inquiries related to bookmark.
Crash Category for any inquiries related to crashing.
Customization Category for any inquiries related to browser customization fuctionality like theme, toolbar customization, etc.
DoH Category for any DNS over HTTPS questions.
Download Category for any inquiries related to the download function/behavior.
Functionality Category for other functionality.
Hang/freeze Category for any inquiries related to hang/freezing.
Installation/update Category for any inquiries related to product installation/update process.
Localization Category for app localization.
Password Management Category for any inquiries related to passwords management.
Performance Category for any inquiries related to performance. Usually about RAM consumption or slowness.
Private browsing Category for any inquiries related to Private Browsing feature.
Reader mode Category for any issues related to reading mode functionality.
Search Category for any inquiries related to search.
Security/privacy Category for any inquiries related to privacy and security feature.
Settings Category for question related to Settings.
Shortcut Category for inquirires related to shortcut.
Sync Category for any inquiries related to Sync feature.
Tab Category for any inquiries related to tab including tab container.
UI/UX feedback Category for any feedback about app's UI/UX.
Updated review Category for reviews that are updated.
iPad Category for reviews related to iPad.

Category tags

Category tags are tags that describe the specific issue of a conversation. It may have association with a product tag, issue tag, or a component tag.

Tag name Description
TBD Users reporting TBD.
TBD Users reporting TBD.
TBD Users reporting TBD.
TBD Users reporting TBD.
TBD Users reporting TBD.

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