Mozilla official support channels

Contributors Contributors Ultima actualizare: 03/23/2024

In this article, you will learn about official support channels for Mozilla products and how you can contribute to Mozilla Support.

Official channels

Mozilla Support is optimized for self-service. However, when users are not able to find answers from the Knowledge Base articles, they can reach out to the following official support channels:

Product name Forum support Direct support Twitter support App Store support
Firefox desktop No Yes. Via @FirefoxSupport Microsoft store (partial support)
Firefox enterprise No No No
Firefox for Android No Yes. Via @FirefoxSupport Google Play Store support
Firefox for iOS No Yes. Via @FirefoxSupport Apple AppStore (staff support)
Firefox Focus No Yes. Via @FirefoxSupport Google Play Store
Mozilla VPN No Yes. Via @mozillavpn Google Play Store and Apple AppStore (staff support)
Firefox Relay No No No
MDN Plus No No No
Hubs No No No
Thunderbird No Yes. Via @mozthunderbird No
Pocket No No No
Mozilla account No No No

How you can help

  • To help with the support forum, you can contribute to → forum support
  • To help with Twitter support, you can contribute to → social support
  • To help with app store support, you can contribute to → mobile support

Unofficial channels

In addition to the above official channels, the following unofficial channels are alternatives where users can request support for Mozilla products:

Channel name Link
German local forum
Community forum in French

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