Will Firefox work on my mobile device?

Firefox for Android,... Firefox for Android, Firefox for iOS Ultima actualizare: 76% of users voted this helpful
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Firefox is also available on Android and Apple phones and tablets. Use it with a Mozilla account to sync your bookmarks, passwords and browsing history across your desktop and mobile devices.

Android devices

Firefox is compatible with Android 5.0 or above devices. Android versions older than 5.0 are no longer supported. You can download Firefox for Android or search for Firefox in the Google Play store.

Important: If you search for Firefox in the Google Play store and don't find Firefox for Android, your device may not be compatible.

iPads, iPhones and iPod touch devices

Firefox is available on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch devices with iOS 8.2 and above. For more info, see Is Firefox available for iPhone or iPad in my language?

Other mobile devices

Firefox is NOT available for Windows Phone, Windows RT, Bada, Symbian, Blackberry OS, webOS or other operating systems for mobile.

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