where are the NEEDED options?
seems mozilla has been taken over by same forces that took over Microcrap by hiding or disabling options in firefox, in turn incrementally forcing users to dumb down to smart phone and tablet idiots. maybe firefox is now a subsidiary of Microcrap? 1. who's the IDIOT who disabled moving tabs below menus? by doing so pissed off Millions of users! ad-on to restore classic desktop has been downloaded million plus of times and Mozilla still doesn't get the hint? 2. why do users have to put up with IE [internet explorer] type interface? WE NEED OPTIONS AND INFO TO BE SEEN .. NOT HIDDEN! you want to create a firefox for dummies then do so, but don't insult our intelligence by hiding menus, tools, options, configurations and other parts needed! 3. why is there no difference in color and shade for tabs, not even an outline for each? 4. who's the idiot who keeps incorporating java script and java into browser, in turn creating privacy and security holes? maybe he/she doesn't know that originally java is a bunch of viruses in boxes / containers, not very secure ones at that as they all leak sooner or later? 5. with recent spy agencies spying on ppl why hasn't mozilla encrypted it's browser and settings? if it's not TRIPLE encrypted it's open to spying directly and indirectly!
Все ответы (8)
some of your issues may be addressed in this thread https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1000634 but don't get to hopeful
thanx ikeepbees .. these are Not issues and Are PROBLEMS .. users are not going to spend tons of time and effort to piss around with configs or hunt though forums, etc. seems dev team & coders don't read these or don't care. anyone have email addies, phone #s, etc. of management to put some fire under their feet? let's see how they like it if they get billed for 1k to 10k per hr. for wasting time, resources, etc.
Yes unfortunately I am curbing my venting of anger at the sheer crazyness of whats happened else they disable my account and I cant help people find more suitable solutions to the ones being proposed by the mods that dont work. Only real option is to stop using FF and use alternatives that may or may not be based on the FF core engine. Maybe we need to start up a proper petition to help the developers understand whats realy happening here as they dont seem to give a hoot at this point. Problem is who or how to deliver all the signatures if its successfull
@ikeepbees and forum i don't care about such restrictions or being blocked, i/we just come back til it goes viral ;) .. petitions don't work, in most cases even forums don't work the real prob is that FF has been taken over as soon as it became part of stock market .. this gives gov., spy agencies and big biz part to major control over FF via statutory / British maritime law = shipping as cargo OR under postal law .. which is run and owned by Vatican / Roman Catholic Church ... another words everyone's rights according to United States FOR America constitution and common law just went out the window. here is the ultimatum; either FF get's off their asses or we, as users, will find out every email addy and contact of every manager and FF head, their home addies and rest and put fire under their feet or charge them [and or] give them a bill for losses of rights, time, etc. if it costs them $$$ then they perk up really quickly :) .. it's the only thing that any Registered biz comprehends so what happens when 10k to 1M users start charging/billing them? in this way, if they don't pay, one can go after their company, private property, bank accounts, spouse holdings etc. etc. .. as the most powerful thing in statutory system is a commercial lien wanna own and run a company by the people for the people? as you can see, i / we don't piss around and someone [mods or admin] should get off their asses and forward this to Mozilla CEO .. or else ...
the real prob is that FF has been taken over as soon as it became part of stock market .. this gives gov., spy agencies and big biz part to major control over FF via statutory / British maritime law
I don't know where you heard that but that's ridiculous.
- Mozilla is a non-profit
- Mozilla isn't on the stock market (no IPO)
- Mozilla is against the NSA spying
- Mozilla is committed to user security and privacy.
/ we don't piss around and someone [mods or admin] should get off their asses and forward this to Mozilla CEO .. or else ...
Threatening us won't help at all. We're all volunteers and have no affiliation with Mozilla Corporation/Foundation, therefore the comments you provide here won't go anywhere. You should provide feedback to Firefox devs at input.mozilla.org/feedback.
seems dev team & coders don't read these or don't care. anyone have email addies, phone #s, etc. of management to put some fire under their feet?
- Developers don't visit this forum
- If you find some contact info, I will be impressed.
If you are still having issues with Firefox 29, you should try the suggestions given by me in the thread that ikeepbees linked to to restore the functionality of Firefox 28 on Firefox 29. If you don't like the way that works out, I would rather you switch to an alternative browser rather than stay on v28 that will soon become outdated and insecure.
I cant help people find more suitable solutions to the ones being proposed by the mods that dont work. Only real option is to stop using FF and use alternatives that may or may not be based on the FF core engine
Not to sound mean here, but I don't think there's any other options other than what everyone else (including me) has provided
- Stay on v29 and customize it using Classic Theme Restorer and other add-ons
- Go back to v28 or lower (this will open you up to security holes if you stay on a version after it's outdated and insecure.
- Switch to an alternative browser like Pale Moon.
I use Pale Moon as my secondary (am actually using it now) and it's really nice. Slick and clean!
Maybe we need to start up a proper petition to help the developers understand whats realy happening here as they dont seem to give a hoot at this point. Problem is who or how to deliver all the signatures if its successfull
Developers don't roam this forum as it's been said many times. IMO (as a user, not a Moderator) I think a petition could be a good idea. I read something about someone sending a petition to HP for some reason. I don't exactly remember the company/reason but I saw it.
@Moses My bad about Mozilla on stock market. No threats directed at mods or admin .. actions directed at management and CEO of mozilla. Is this not "support.mozilla.org"? If this forum does not have contact with mozilla, mozilla/dev and mozilla management then there is a grave disconnect and no real support. Just a basic fact. "If you find some contact info, I will be impressed." ... not hard at all = for $100 to $500 anyone can get any to all contact info, and everything else wanted :P Still, the point is mozilla and dev team better start listening to users before there's a full rebellion, as if it's not happening already. For many moving to other browser is not an option as many have way too much setup in mozilla. Computers are supposed to make things easier, instead the trend is to make it harder and more confusing.
i already said thanx to ikeepbees
FYI - there's an OS being developed that will have ease of use, total privacy, uncrackable security, all appz u ever dreamed of, fully user customizable, run on any brand hardware, small in size, etc etc .. the only negative is coders will need to learn a new type of coding. Once learned you can kick all other OS's to curb.
Thanx for your time, as now i/we go after ones who can make changes ;)
Uh if you want privacy use Tor which uses Firefox it's open source so you know for sure there is no spying.
LMAO .. u let a microrobot answer? Shame on you Tor is NOT even close to good enough for privacy or non-spying or security .. neither is tails. So this is what we have found out; Mozilla specifically didn't provide a forum or way for users to complain anonymously. Mozilla has been overly influenced by corporate trends to provide a tablet or smart-phone interface for ALL users .. dummy them down and let them be dumb Internet was rejected by USofA DOD & given to learning institutions as it was totally insecure at it's core It's been proven beyond shadow of doubt that present system on earth is being controlled by freemasons, knights templar, vatican, related corporations & leftover monarchy. They can be traced directly to certain merchant jews that killed a guy on cross. Before that to priests of Egypt and other priests around earth. This leads us to Sumerian king list before the great flood .. YES each actually did live that long. We find that they used 7 layers of security so the workers/slaves/hominids and man [man & woman] would not gain control and kill them off .. yet each eventually fell. People have cracked their security ... Now we are at a time when present psychopath controlling families are being found out and convicted for their crimes = International common law court, revolutions, protests, individual charges per offender under their own statutory system, standing up to any destructive company & corp. or affiliated body, etc etc. People have found out that man has inherent communication system built right into their brains, same as shamans and priests of old used. All it takes is eating cannabis oil, made from whole plant, for over 6 months and living outside of cities / influence of destructive EM fields. Anonymous has found out using Nicola Tesla ideas surpasses any privacy & security a corp. might provide. This provides free electricity and other powers as well. Lookup Nassim Haramein and learn. If you have learned this knowledge diligently then you will be able to use Carl Munck -The Code and what Tesla fully knew, and all kinds of universal knowledge will reveal itself. Get to know your mozilla coders and teach them. If you do not, then start building an Arc as Noah did, or better. It's been VERIFIED many times over the psychopaths are planning to get rid of 99.99% of man and life on earth. So, quit being parrots for corporations, learn and survive for future generations. If you do not then you are nothing but fertilizer for next age, another source for crude oil and gas .. again.
Enjoy :)