Importing my PKCS #12 certificate from Internet Explorer fails
Whenever I try to import my client certificate to authenticate myself on certain websites from Internet explorer to Firefox, I receive an error box that has the message:
"The PKCS #12 operation failed for unknown reasons."
What a super helpful message.
I've exported the certificate from Internet explorer including the private key into a PKCS #12 file.
I've had a certificate that was successfully imported into Firefox in the past that I've tried to re-import as a test, and that also failed. What's the deal?
Все ответы (3)
Hi superheavy, In version 31 there was an update to the Certificate Verification in gecko. It is called mozilla::pkix
Mozilla's included CA Certificate List
May also be affected by this bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1049435
Seems to be the same issue. The process outlined in that bug report is the same I follow, even for verification. Guess it's a confirmed bug and I need to wait.