Thunderbird not responding to right or left mouse clicks on menu and within message folders
Question pretty well says it all. Problem started after most recent update although not certain that is what caused the problem.
Re: menu items - when perform left click with mouse have to wait 20-30 seconds, sometimes longer, before drop-down list appears. Then no problem selecting and activating item from list.
Re: message folders - example in Inbox when select an email then right click on it have to wait 15-30 seconds before drop-down list appears. Then no problem selecting and activating item from list.
Have tried reinstalls. No change. Have not tried an install of an older version of Thunderbird. Regularly perform backup of Thunderbird using MozBkp - a life saving program.
Would not like to lose Thunderbird. It is a marvelous email program which I have used since it first came out. Never had any problems with it before.
Все ответы (2)
The best reply I can offer is that it works. I have no problems with TB 24.6. It boots normally - no message saying "not responding". Can now access menu, emails and their respective drop-down menus with no delay. The reason for messing with the prefs.js file was to ensure that did not lose emails, account settings, etc that I had in 31.5. Mozbkp would not allow me to restore a 31.5 profile into 24.6. So had to do a workaround. Ended up being quite simple. I had renamed TB 31.5 folder in "username" AppData... Then used the prefs.js from that folder to make changes to the prefs.js folder in reinstalled 24.6. The things I moved over from 31.5 prefs.js to 24.6 prefs.js were the lines related to mail service, everything else I left alone. I used WinMerge to accomplish this. All I can say is that it works and I did not lose any of my emails, settings, accounts. The only difference is that it is 24.6 not a more recent version. I disabled update to ensure would not try to update to 31.5. I would try to update to versions 31.x, other than 31.5 but cannot remember which update resulted in the problems that started this whole effort.
Apologies - I did not reference some key steps. In 24.6 new install folder I moved the 31.5 default Profile to 24.6 folder. Then in the profile.ini file (in the TB 24.6 folder) I replaced the direction to the folder I moved from 31.5 to 24.6.