Is there an MSI file for Firefox?
I am using Symantec Altiris 7.5 and need an MSI file so I can deploy Firefox to my users. If not is there any switches I can use with the exe to make it a silent install that would be great as well.
Все ответы (2)
HI mikeb90, There was a site called Frontmotion that used to do this, however I am not sure how up to date they are. The other is silent installer:
- https://wiki.mozilla.org/Installer:Command_Line_Arguments
- https://wiki.mozilla.org/Deployment:Deploying_Firefox
The ESR crew is also a great resource to ask, as the Firefox for Enterprise group work in a similar environment. Check out the community link to the mailing list you can email here: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox.../faq/
FrontMotion is still around providing MSI installer packages for the Firefox Release and Firefox ESR versions. They have been doing Firefox MSI packages since Firefox 1.0 came out in 2004. http://frontmotion.com/Firefox/index.htm
They are in the process of building a new website and it appears to be operational. http://testme.frontmotion.com/firefox/download/ Has the latest Firefox versions - Firefox-37.0.2 and FirefoxESR-31.6.0