Firefox Hello fails / Diagnostic Msgs Poor / Have console cap
I know this is beta and I hope this helps.
Diagnostic error messages on Firefox Hello give little clue as to "what" in "something went wrong"
I have two installations with different email addresses on a home network. This was necessary because I was unable to connect to anyone outside. Both have video cameras, both have microphones, both are running FireFox 42.0, both cameras work in diagnostic modes, i.e. I can see on the screen what the camera sees.
I ran the developer browser console, cleared it, and started a conversation between the two. Same failure. The log is attached. <expletive> the TXT file won't upload. Here is a paste. Please let me know what to do next.
Thank you.
TypeError: document.getItems is not a function PageMetadata.jsm:140:40 The Components object is deprecated. It will soon be removed. utils.js:9:0 TypeError: SDK.tabsLib.getTabForWindow is not a function utils.js:172:10 No stores registered for event type gotMediaPermission dispatcher.js:85:9 TypeError: SDK.tabsLib.getTabForWindow is not a function utils.js:172:10 TypeError: SDK.tabsLib.getTabForWindow is not a function utils.js:172:10 TypeError: SDK.tabsLib.getTabForWindow is not a function utils.js:172:10 TypeError: SDK.tabsLib.getTabForWindow is not a function utils.js:172:10 TypeError: SDK.tabsLib.getTabForWindow is not a function utils.js:172:10 TypeError: SDK.tabsLib.getTabForWindow is not a function utils.js:172:10 Rumor.Socket: Rumor Socket Disconnected: Used to indicate that a connection was closed abnormally (that is, with no close frame being sent) when a status code is expected. (CLOSE_ABNORMAL) sdk.js:3399:13
Rumor Socket Disconnected: Used to indicate that a connection was closed abnormally (that is, with no close frame being sent) when a status code is expected. (CLOSE_ABNORMAL) sdk.js:3399:13
OT.exception :: title: Connect Failed (1006) msg: Rumor Socket Disconnected: Used to indicate that a connection was closed abnormally (that is, with no close frame being sent) when a status code is expected. (CLOSE_ABNORMAL) sdk.js:3399:13
Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at wss:// sdk.js:9678:0 TypeError: SDK.tabsLib.getTabForWindow is not a function utils.js:172:10 Failed to complete connection Object { code: 1006, message: "Rumor Socket Disconnected: Used to …" } otSdkDriver.js:345:9
No stores registered for event type connectionStatus dispatcher.js:85:9 [Dispatcher] Dispatching action caused an exception: Error: Minified exception occurred; use the non-minified dev environment for the full error message and additional helpful warnings. Stack trace: [137]</n@chrome://browser/content/loop/shared/libs/react-0.12.2.js:16:5715 i@chrome://browser/content/loop/shared/libs/react-0.12.2.js:13:12345 [40]</L.replaceState@chrome://browser/content/loop/shared/libs/react-0.12.2.js:13:16831 [40]</L.setState@chrome://browser/content/loop/shared/libs/react-0.12.2.js:13:16743 OngoingConversationView<.componentWillMount/<@chrome://browser/content/loop/js/conversationViews.js:606:9 triggerEvents@chrome://browser/content/loop/shared/libs/backbone-1.2.1.js:351:32 triggerApi@chrome://browser/content/loop/shared/libs/backbone-1.2.1.js:339:19 eventsApi@chrome://browser/content/loop/shared/libs/backbone-1.2.1.js:137:1 Events.trigger@chrome://browser/content/loop/shared/libs/backbone-1.2.1.js:329:1 baseStorePrototype.setStoreState@chrome://browser/content/loop/shared/js/store.js:54:7<.connectionFailure@chrome://browser/content/loop/shared/js/conversationStore.js:150:1 Dispatcher.prototype._dispatchNextAction/<@chrome://browser/content/loop/shared/js/dispatcher.js:97:11 Dispatcher.prototype._dispatchNextAction@chrome://browser/content/loop/shared/js/dispatcher.js:95:7 Dispatcher.prototype.dispatch@chrome://browser/content/loop/shared/js/dispatcher.js:69:7 OTSdkDriver.prototype._onSessionConnectionCompleted@chrome://browser/content/loop/shared/js/otSdkDriver.js:351:1 OTHelpers.eventing/self.once/handleThisOnce@chrome://browser/content/loop/libs/sdk.js:4390:7 executeListenersAsyncronously/</<@chrome://browser/content/loop/libs/sdk.js:3000:16 handleMessage@chrome://browser/content/loop/libs/sdk.js:4061:11 <pre>dispatcher.js:99:11
No stores registered for event type connectionStatus dispatcher.js:85:9 ghostery:TypeError: r.json is null Stack trace: checkLibraryVersion/<.onComplete@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://firefox-at-ghostery-dot-com/ghostery/lib/background.js:2437:4 emitOnObject@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:112:9 emit@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:89:38 onreadystatechange@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/request.js:104:7
Все ответы (3)
This has been up for about a week. Is anyone reading them?
11/22/2015 the complete absence of a response appears to indicate support for the Hello application is insufficient to consider its enterprise adoption.
I look forward to trying again in the future, but for now we can't recommend scrapping Skype.
11/28/2015 still no response
I look forward to trying again in the future, but for now we can't recommend scrapping Skype.