http://www.johnkhutchison.com/ has MP4 content I can't play
I have numerous MP4 files that play OK, but the web site shown has MP4s where nothing happens when I click the start triangle. I've tried adding VLC media player that does not help.
Все ответы (3)
Check the video links. My download managers show no clips.
That web page thinks that Firefox can't play MP4 files:
var video = document.getElementById('video'); if (video.canPlayType && video.canPlayType('video/mp4')) { // canPlayType is overoptimistic, so we have browser sniff. if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('WebKit/') <= -1) { // Only webkit-browsers can currently play this natively fallback(video); } } else { fallback(video); }
That makes the website fallback to a Shockwave Flash player that doesn't seem to work (at least for me on Linux). If I spoof the user agent to Google Chrome (WebKit) then I get a native HTML5 media player that can play the MP4 file.
The answer seems geared to someone who has more knowledge than me. Is there a step-by-step way for me to get past this problem?