How does Thunderbird know my password when I didn't provde it?
New install of Fedora 23. Setting up Thunderbird.
The Mail Account Setup box pops up. I put in my user name, Email address and Password; Remember password, is checked. Click continue and verify that my settings are correct.
I open up my inbox julian@foobar.com It has the standard mailboxes, plus two mailboxes from julian@oldfoobar.com and otheraccount@oldfoobar.com and it gets mail from both of the oldfoobar.com mailboxes. How?
I searched my drive for the password and user name for the oldfoobar.com domains, they do not exist.
How is this happening.
Все ответы (3)
You can see stored passwords at:
Edit|Preferences|Security|Passwords→Saved Passwords
Is it lurking in there?
Being encrypted, I would hope that a regular search wouldn't be able to find them.
I checked and the passwords are not there. The only place the passwords are stored is Keepass. I removed all my Thunderbird files and reinstalled it, with Keepass closed. I got the same result.
I removed all my Thunderbird files and did a search in my home directory for both the julian@oldfoobar.com and otheraccount@oldfoobar.com as well as part of their passwords, just to make sure there wasn't a hidden file anywhere. There were not files containing either my user name or my password (I admit I really didn't want to see my unencrypted password).
Thank you
I think we can close this. I worked with my hosting provider and we found the problem was with my mail server and not with Thunderbird.
Thank you for the assist.