How do I fill out a online form
When I access a online form from a website, I can't fill in the available form. How can I fill out or complete a online form?
Все ответы (6)
Hi sciencemagic, Firefox should be able to work with most web forms. There are some special types of controls where browsers work differently, but for normal text controls, they should all work the same. Is there a particular link you want to share to an unfillable web form? (If you can fill it but not submit it, that could be a different issue, such as the CAPTCHA not appearing.)
Firefox's built-in PDF reader cannot fill PDF forms. You'll know it's a PDF because it has a distinctive black toolbar around the document, and most likely, it will say that you should open the form in another reader. The most common reader for PDF forms is Adobe's. If you don't already have it, see: https://get.adobe.com/reader/ And then to open the PDF in the external reader, you can use the download button on the PDF viewer toolbar:
Hi jscher2000, I understand about having to download Adobe Reader to be able to fill out forms with Firefox. I did just that. Can you explain how I can sign my signature to that document? Thank you.
Hi Sciencemagic , You can use different ways to add your signature to a document. use this link to get details https://www.wikihow.com/Add-a-Digital-Signature-in-an-MS-Word-Document
Hi sciencemagic, what does the form require? For example, a handwritten signature -- you would need to print it -- or a digital signature of some kind? Depending on how the form was created, there might be some options available in the "form filling" tools in Adobe Reader/Acrobat. You also could right-click the field to see whether it mentions any options for signature on a context menu.
Hi, jscher2000. Thanks for the reply. I downloaded Adobe reader and was able to print within the document. There does seem to be options I can use to maybe sign various forms. Thank you.
I'm having a similar issue, this case it is in my netbank and they do not provide an option to upload the filled document. (so the only solution was to download chrome, which is bad)